MEDICINE & HEALTHResults from a new survey of adults aged 50-75 showed that personality plays a big part in retirement satisfaction. Read more to know the details.
Researchers found a promising approach that will help prevent lung and brain injury in premature babies. Find out how nanotherapies help prevent such damages.
A Study found genetic mutations that make it more likely for one to develop cavernous angioma. Read on and learn about this rare type of brain malformation.
Researchers compared treatment effects of insulin alone and nanomaterial alone in mice. Discover about this new approach to treating Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes.
Researchers developed a new topical gel that will help heal people with butterfly children disease. Learn more about this skin disease and the gel’s efficacy.
Brain implants might be the future for the patients of neurological disease and paralysis. Read about this new innovation that was found effective at assisting ALS patients who use communication devices.
A new study shows through videos how cancer relapse can be more effectively predicted. Find out how the role of white blood cell motion in this new approach.
Pregnant women must be forewarned. A new study reveals how disinfectants may lead to certain conditions. Learn more about exposure to chemicals during pregnancy.
Metformin is a first-line diabetes drug that’s widely used worldwide. Read on to find out how it increases the risks of birth defects when men take the drug within 3 months before conception.
NHS announced the use of AI software in over 100 hospitals for better predictions of hospital admissions and COVID-19 rates. Learn more about the new approach.
CAR T cell immunotherapy is a promising yet expensive form of cancer treatment. Read on to find out how NCSU researchers developed a marshmallow-like scaffold to hasten and cheapen the process.
Many sleep with a nightlight on, but a recent study suggests that it could actually be killing you. Click on to find out the detrimental effects of light on your body while you sleep.
Researchers showed how a cluster of cells may help regulate blood pressure after blood loss. Find out how the new discovery may help treat other conditions.