Canadian researchers proved that converting blood type safely in donor organs for transplantation is possible to address organ allocation needs and decrease mortality on patients on the waitlist.
For some, the COVID-19 epidemic is finished. But immunocompromised people are still confronting it. While vaccinated healthy people may resume their pre-COVID-19 pandemic activities, doctors say that immunocompromised persons are still at a dead-end.
Two babies have recently been reported to have been given the first-ever treatment for a severe neurological disease called Tay-Sachs disease after more than 14 years of development.
Uppsala University researchers discover that ancestors of the Pontiac fever causing Legionella bacteria began infecting eukaryotic cells 2 billion years ago while the cells were in their early stage of evolution.
Results of a new study recently paved the way for an entirely new field of target treatments for people at risk of developing coronary heart disease which is considered the world's biggest killer.
Sunscreen is an important skincare product that is used to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. But people mostly miss the scalp, a part that should not be ignored.
Loneliness can have damaging impacts on both physical and mental health, yet there are presently few behavioral interventions for loneliness "like there are for other conditions
According to a report, the estrogen levels of an older woman may be associated with her chances of dying from the virus with higher hormone levels apparently protective against infection.COVID-19 Death in Older Women; Estrogen Levels, Hormone Replacement Therapy Linked to Severity of the Virus
A new study recently showed that more than one in every two young women whose ages range from 20 to 44 years old, who gave birth in 2019 in the United States had poor heart health before getting pregnant.
A new study suggests that young kids start to care about their reputation as early as seven years old that they even cheat in simple games to appear smart.