MEDICINE & HEALTHResearchers with the Mental Health and Climate Change Alliance (MHCCA )found substantially higher anxiety brought by climate change following the heat dome.
Scientists from the University of Rochester found evidence suggesting that healthy brain's are more productive and stable when multitasking and walking compared to sitting.
Older adults could maintain their brain and cognition healthy by physical exercise because it keeps the integrity of synapses intact, according to a new study.
Genomic Safe Harbors (GSHs) are landing sites for therapeutic genes to treat diseases, such as cancer. Now, a team of scientists has developed a computational approach to easily identify them.
A new study supports the hypothesis that the brains of men and women are different after finding genes that are more active in one gender than the other which increases risk of brain disorders.
Almost 27 million people reported to a staying in the major emergency room in England between 2016 and 2018 for the average of under five hours. This is in spite of a four-hour operational standard back in 2004 by the National Health Service.
A new study confirms that moderate coffee intake could protect the digestive system against common problems such as constipation. Coffee could also lower the risk of liver diseases and gallstones.
Scientists recently discovered that there may be a connection between the current global health crisis and the reduced incidence of lightning reported during the worldwide shutdown during last year's spring season.
Researchers at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz, Germany, have developed a new method to identify proteins that bind to RNA-DNA structures called R-loops.
Present International Space Station inhabitant Matthias Maurer recently shared a 360-degree video that shows him performing some exercise on the treadmill, with the harness to guarantee that he does not flow away from the machine in the microgravity condition.
Supplementation with Curcugen® from Dolcas Biotech delivered clinically significant improvements in knee pain and performance-based tests in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Experts used nanotechnology to develop a solution against antibiotic-resistant infection, a disease in which treatments kill bacteria along with health human cells.
A team of researchers led by Dr. WANG Liping from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently reported a common circuit that regulates both innate fear and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
Some people are accusing Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and other rich tech guys, such as Elon Musk, to be building "The Matrix" for suggesting artificial wombs could ease the pregnancy on women.