NANOTECHNOLOGYResearchers have published new data that uses magnetic nanoparticle rods to heat up testicles as an effort to find alternative male contraceptives.
New research claims that vaccinated women transfer their SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to their babies through breastfeeding, potentially activating passive immunity against the virus.
New research recently discovered that at present, the recommendation given to obese patients engaged in overeating is to "eat less and nutritious food," not to mention, spend more time exercising.
New research carried out at the University of California, San Diego, in the United States has shown a series of substantial characteristics showcased by groups of bacteria living together in communities called biofilms.
Something unusual has occurred in a Cronutt sea lion during epilepsy treatment story after the aquatic animal went through an investigation's treatment.
Research reveals for the first time, a blood test could be helpful in determining who may benefit screening for lung cancer. Researchers developed a blood test combining biomarkers that they identified before as predictive of lung cancer risk,
McMaster University presented medical findings to how stress hormones could weaken the innate immune system and gut protection to trigger Crohn's disease.
A new COVID-19 study confirmed that women could experience a slight delay in their menstrual cycle after being vaccinated, but experts say it is not clinically significant and do not pose any threat to women's health.
Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 remains at 90% three months after the booster shot, but UK health experts guarantee that the country will not see a big surge of cases in severe outcomes because booster shots help.
Nutritional epidemiologist Lisa Bodnar discusses why kids below two years old should not be given foods rich in added sugar, pointing out its ill effects on their health.
Researchers from UC Berkeley have discovered a link between anxiety and PTSD behaviors and the increase in myelin producing in the brain's gray matter that is known to be associated with memory.
Two teams of scientists have found that animal DNA can be detected in other animals, giving way to novel techniques in tracking endangered species to help save their population.