MEDICINE & HEALTHA new COVID-19 update was released by DC Health, which shows the status of the COVID-19 variants, along with the 'breakthrough cases,' in the region.
A 53-year-old patient was the first to try the magnetic helmet developed to reduce brain tumors. The device proved effective as it indeed, shrank the tumor of this glioblastoma patient.
Traveling in space can lead to numerous changes to the body, specifically those that result from unusual flu-like symptoms. A United Kingdom astronaut shares some changes he felt in his body from the condition.
BioNTech announces its plans on developing a highly effective mRNA-based malaria vaccine after the success of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine that they co-developed with Pfizer. What could the public expect from this?
Kidney stones are hard objects that form chemicals in one's urine. There are common symptoms to watch out for, and treatments and prevention to consider.
As the world slowly eases back on traveling in the shadow of other COVID-19 variants, Lufthansa is taking one step ahead in safety by approving a new pre-flight rapid home test kit for its passengers.
Sleep talking is a type of parasomnia disorder that even experts do not exactly know why it happens. But there are some tips that could help people prevent talking while they sleep.
A recent study on coffee consumption finds that excessive drinking of the world's famous beverage can increase the risk of dementia, stroke, and could even shiirnk brain volume.
Other people suffer from the highly contagious disease for longer, battling its effects for weeks or months after. These are the COVID-19 "Long Haulers": and their stories see the light of day thanks to a new book.