MEDICINE & HEALTHSome early samples of the virus submitted by a Chinese researcher were deleted from a shared database, an expert in the evolution of viruses says.
A new outbreak of canine influenza was reported from Florida's Big Dog Ranch Rescue. Over 50 dogs are affected by the flu, but experts took the immediate initiative to protect the digs and keep the flu from spreading further across the center's county.
A raccoon in Raritan Township was tested positive for rabies. Residents in contact are advised to immediately seek medical care, while pet owners are also advised to have their animals vaccinated at the nearest veterinarian clinic.
Canadian researchers warn that a strain of cancer-like tapeworm is making its way to North America and is likely to have originated from dogs imported from Europe. 7 cases have been reported of human Alveolar echinococcosis in the US.
Qualitative evidence links psychological stress to the premature graying of hair. But surprisingly, it also showed that it is reversible when stress is eliminated.
A twenty-year-old study confirms the link between childhood depression to adult anxiety and functional outcomes, like substance use disorder, and worse health and social functioning.
Life stressors and everyday frustration can undermine relationships. But during lockdowns, a new study reveals that blaming the pandemic may actually leave couples happier.
The branch of biology called epigenetics aims to understand how a person's environment, behavior, and a host of other factors affect the function and behavior of his or her genes - and a new study helps shed light on one of its mysteries.
The FDA and CDC have issued a voluntary recall of a single lot of bone grafts coming from a single donor cadaver that is suspected of causing the recent bizarre tuberculosis outbreak in over 20 states.
A new metric for obesity diagnosis called a body shape index or ABSI, which takes into account gender, weight, age, height, and weight circumference appears to be a more effective tool.