A 13-year-old girl from South Africa is recovering after a delicate and critical pediatric heart transplant surgery, which was the first such procedure performed at a Cape Town hospital in 13 years.
Drug manufacturer, Pfizer Inc. said it has discovered the first confirmed cases of fake versions of COVID-19 vaccines it developed with BioNTech SE in Mexico and Poland.
The University of Southern California researchers recently published results of a groundbreaking study that analyzed a three-million-year-old fossil called 'Little Foot.'
Scientists recently found bacteria in sinks are the result of handwashing. Specifically, they discovered that this practice, that has shaped communities of microbes that stay and grow in domestic sinks' plumbing.
A scientist recently claimed daily oral hygiene can protect one from COVID-19 and be a life-saver. Earlier, in February a study suggested severe gum disease raises the danger of death with the infection by almost nine times.
A study showed that microbe-carrying aerosol droplets shoot up in the air as public toilets are flushed, confirming previous studies that public restrooms are hotbeds for viruses, potentially COVID-19.
A new study suggests those who have six hours or less of sleep every night are more likely to develop a condition - specifically dementia in their late 70s.
A paper has called on policymakers to act on the unequal distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, seeking fair access to needy populations, such as refugees and displaced communities.
A study found that men who wear shirts with large logos of luxury brands are seen as promiscuous, while those who wear smaller logos are seen as trustworthy and reliable.