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03.25.2021 07:47 AM
At the height of the global coronavirus pandemic, face masks have become a part of daily life. Researchers are now looking into a new material - from copper foams - that is durable and can potentially filter out microbes.
03.25.2021 04:53 AM
US microbiologists are seeing a drop in new adaptations of the SARS-CoV-2 variants that should lead to a slowdown of fresh mutations.
03.25.2021 04:33 AM
According to recent reports, a new 'double mutant' variant of COVID-19 has been identified from samples collected in India.
03.25.2021 04:12 AM
Researchers from UW Medicine and the NIH have developed a new nanoparticle flu vaccine that can block seasonal and pandemic influenza strains that current vaccines cannot do.
03.25.2021 01:54 AM
Researchers unveiled a new nose mask that could be worn under a full mask with similar behind-the-ears straps.
03.25.2021 01:11 AM
Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center used AI and neuro-imaging to map the complex neural processes that let brains comprehend spoken sentences.
03.24.2021 23:45 PM
An intravenous brain cancer vaccine that first began human clinical trials in 2015 now reports significant promise of assisting patients' immune response in targeting brain tumors.
03.24.2021 23:27 PM
The CDC is investigating the deadly Salmonella outbreak, which may be acquired when kissing a turtle.
03.24.2021 22:11 PM
Researchers observed that some cells in the human brain are zombie-like postmortem despite surrounding tissues degrading.
03.24.2021 21:35 PM
A study revealed that babies opt for baby talk and they pay more attention to what's described as exaggerated, sing-song tones.
03.24.2021 21:20 PM
Researchers developed a microscopic robot that can reach the brain and deliver cancer-fighting drugs to targeted tumors in mice.
03.24.2021 11:25 AM
Undergoing Lasik surgery is a growing trend in vision care. But do you know all there is to know about it before deciding to have one?
03.24.2021 07:48 AM
False memories can be planted using suggestions and aggressive techniques. But new research has found a way to reverse it.
03.24.2021 04:11 AM
A new study successfully demonstrated the efficacy of a nanobiomaterial in mice with spinal cord injuries - inhibiting inflammation and boosting neuronal growth.
03.24.2021 04:01 AM
Last week, two studies published in Nature spoiled the common belief of the beginning of life, specifically the stages of a developing human embryo.
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