Tips for Traveling Safely During Spring Break

Tips for Traveling Safely During Spring Break

With spring fast approaching and the end of the COVID-19 pandemic finally in sight, thanks to the vaccine rollout starting, you might be thinking about taking a short vacation during your spring break this year. Of course, travel still looks very different right now, so if you're planning to go on a trip, there are certain precautions you should take to make sure that you do so safely. Here are some tips to help you out:
Red Apples

Why Do We See Colors Differently?

Scientists explain why people sometimes see different colors in an effort to find out what the prime function of color is.
Break up

Why Do We Avoid Breakups? Science Explains

Experts suggest that the need to save a relationship could stem from human evolutionary history. According to experts, we are hot-wired by nature to avoid break up.
Science Times - Why Do We See Colors Each Time We Close Our Eyes?

Why Do We See Colors Even With Eyes Closed?

Certain conditions cause humans to see colors every time they close their eyes. Do you see colors each time you close your eyes? There are a couple of different conditions that can cause us to see colors each time we close our eyes.

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