NANOTECHNOLOGYMicrocapsule technology that uses PCR technique provides scalable approach to enable repeated random access to archival files stored in DNA. Learn more about it in this article.
A new optical technology developed by scientists using nanoparticles helps understand the behavior of single proteins and sheds light in treating iron-related diseases. Read the article to find out more.
Silver nanoparticles with low melting point sparks hope in creating thermoelectric modules for generating emission-free power. Read the article to learn more.
For the first time, it was proven that CKAP5 can be used to destroy cancer cells and that it can be used to understand the mechanism that leads to its destruction. Find out more in this article.
The novel hydrogen platform exhibited high performance and scalability. Read to learn more. A team of researchers developed a novel photocatalytic platform that could facilitate hydrogen mass production.
Researchers developed a new cancer drug delivery system that uses gold nanoparticles that specifically target tumors while also reducing the systemic side effects. Read the article to learn more.
The new smart fabric is capable of reacting to different variations of temperature and electric current, paving the way for innovative wearable devices. Read the article to find out more details.
The nano-excitonic transistor is said to have overcome the limitations of existing transistors and is expected to play an integral part in the optical computer. Read the article to learn more.
Researchers used bacteria to develop a biobattery that can still function even after 100 years and can be stored for a long time without worrying about its degradation. Read the article to learn more.