NANOTECHNOLOGYRecent research revealed the physical properties of nanoparticles, specifically their shape and size, drastically impact their biological behaviors.
A small probe known as a nanobiosensor, that uses fluorescent to signal pH of cells in terms of their alkalinity or acidity is currently being detected by researchers.
Researchers from the University of Michigan have developed a highly sensitive fingertip-like advancement in prosthetic robotics that mimics how hands work to determine the right force to apply when gripping objects.
Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials Professor Markus Niederberger, at ETH Zurich, has been working on unusual materials, specifically, aerogels-based nanoparticles known as photocatalysts.
Researchers from two universities developed an ultra-compact camera the size of a grain of salt that can produce images at par with conventional cameras but with the potential of being used in medicine.
An international team of researchers has developed a way to create a paracrystalline diamond that retains its hardness but is less fragile than ordinary diamonds that are easily cut or smashed.
Introducing the coffee ring effect phenomenon, researchers recently showed in a study that quantum dots or QDs which are described as nanosized semiconducting crystals can be arranged using a new method.
Researchers recently developed a unique way of altering the surface of nanoparticles within life-changing medications to offer infusions that can be delivered more rapidly, although with a decreased risk of negative responses.
Scientists are using nanoparticles in killing harmful bacteria that cause melioidosis that kills thousands of people every year as existing antibiotics do not often work against it.