How to Manage Your Time in College

How to Manage Your Time in College

With a lot of daily responsibilities, college students typically have issues with time management. Some of them struggle with scheduling and prioritizing their tasks, and others are easily tempted by distractions.
Worker's Compensation Insurance: How Does it Protect the Employer?

Worker's Compensation Insurance: How Does it Protect the Employer?

Worker’s compensation insurance is often seen as a way to protect your business team. You do however have to remember that it’s a way for you to protect yourself too. If you want to find out more about that then simply take a look below.

Phoenix: Where the Major’s Fear to Tread

In Greek philosophy the Phoenix lives for 500 years before it dies in flames and is reborn from the ashes of the fire that engulfs it. It is an imagine that has been profoundly influential on western thought and popular culture for centuries.
3 Factors to Think About When Buying Insurance Online

3 Factors to Think About When Buying Insurance Online

Buying life insurance online can be an easy and convenient way to get access to the coverage that you need, fast. In the digital world, you can compare the price of available premiums, explore the features of a wide range of policies, and even examine unique kinds of coverage like long-term care insurance. However, just like with any consumer strategy, it's important to make sure that you know what to look for before you begin shopping.
Which Is the Best Car Accident Injury Lawyer?

Which Is the Best Car Accident Injury Lawyer?

When you are driving down a road in California, the last thing on your mind is facing the aftereffects of a car accident. When these unexpected events occur, you can be dealing with police officers asking you questions, doctors telling you expensive medical treatment is needed for your injuries, and insurance companies implying you caused the accident or were not seriously injured.
Mark Your Calendars! The Biggest Science Days for 2020

Mark Your Calendars! The Biggest Science Days for 2020

Do you pull out all your Star Wars gear to celebrate May fourth every year? The fact that you even have Star Wars gear tells us that you're probably into all the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) holidays.
Health Testing: How to Choose the Right Testing Method for You

Health Testing: How to Choose the Right Testing Method for You

In the scheme of things, DNA testing has only been around for a little while. It was not all that long ago that most of us didn't know what a microbiome was, either, much less the impact it can have on our health. Today, these are just two of the myriad tests available that promise to help us attain better health, prevent diseases, and live better lives.
What Are the Privacy Rights of Employees?

What Are the Privacy Rights of Employees?

For employers, there's often a fine line between monitoring employees and following employee privacy laws. As more technology becomes available, there has been mounting concern about the use of said surveillance technology to monitor employees as well.
Fridays for Future

Greta Thunberg Asks for Help To Reach the Climate Summit in Madrid

Because of this sudden change, Greta Thunberg is asking for help for her travel back to Europe. 16-year-old Greta Thunberg barged into the world's consciousness when she started her movement of skipping school in Sweden and stood in front of the Swedish parliament as a protest against government neglect regarding the issues the environment is facing.

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