Brian Wu

Ebola Can Be Transmitted Through Sex

U.S. health officials now say that the Ebola virus can be transmitted when survivors of the disease have unprotected sex and could even occur many months after being declared free of the virus.

Are Ceres' Bright Spots Signs of Alien Life? NASA Wants You to Weigh In

From the moment they were discovered by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, the two bright spots on Ceres have fascinated scientists and amateur astronomers across the world. What are they and why are they there? Scientists believed that once Dawn reached orbit they would be able to learn more about these two mysterious spots, but even now they remain a mystery. NASA has made an unusual move by inviting the public to weigh in on what they believe is the nature of these two bright spots.

Iowa Declares State of Emergency Over Bird Flu

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad declared a state of emergency on Friday to help battle the toll that the recent bird flu epidemic is taking on the state's poultry industry.

House Science Committee Slashes NASA’s Earth Science Budget

In a vote on party lines, Republicans in the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology approved a budget authorization for NASA that would see funding for the Orion and the Space Launch System continue but would slash the agency’s budget for its Earth science division.

Breastfeeding Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer

Breastfeeding has long been recommended by many of the leading medical authorities, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The decision to breastfeed is a personal one and is likely to draw strong opinions from both friends and family. However, evidence showing breastfeeding is healthy for both mother and baby continues to grow.

May Will Be a Big Month for Sky Gazers

May is shaping up to be one of the best months of 2015 for sky gazers and amateur astronomers across the world with planet watching and meteor showers just some of the highlights of what will be available to see in the night sky.

NASA May Have Just Accidentally Discovered Faster than Light Travel

Long home to science fiction, traveling faster than the speed of light is quite commonplace as heroes and villains alike zip around their galaxy in an effort to engage each other. It has become so popular, in fact, that you would be hard pressed to find anyone on Earth that didn't know about the concept. Now it seems that scientists could have accidentally brought the notion of faster than light travel out of the realm of science fiction and into real science.

FDA Approves New Drug to Treat Double Chins

Do you have a double chin you would like to get rid of but don't want to go through painful surgery? Now you may be able to do just that. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has just approved a new drug that promises to get rid of double chins without surgery.

Messenger Prepares to Dive Bomb Mercury

NASA's Mercury orbiter, Messenger, is going out with a bang as it prepares to dive bomb the planet in glorious fashion, leaving behind a new crater on the planet closest to the sun that will measure approximately 16 meters wide once the dust has settled.

NASA’s Best Photos Yes of Pluto Show Possible Ice Cap

NASA's New Horizons probe has snapped some of the best photos yet of Pluto and its large moon Charon. The new photos are now beginning to reveal distinct surface features of the distant dwarf planet, including one bright area that could be a snowy polar cap, mission managers said.

Russia Tries to Contact Craft Bound for ISS

Russia is trying to determine what it is going to do after losing contact with the unmanned cargo craft on route to the International Space Station for a resupply mission. Currently the craft is spinning out of control, NASA said.

Rubella Has Been Eliminated From the Americas

Rubella, a disease with potentially horrible consequences for unborn children, has been eliminated from the Americas, a scientific panel set up by global health authorities said on Wednesday.

What If Astronauts “Lose It” in Space?

We all know that being an astronaut is no easy task, that is why NASA has one of the most elaborate and difficult psychological tests of any organization on the planet. Despite all the astronauts currently zooming through space have passed these tests, there is always a risk that one might suffer a psychological breakdown while orbiting high above the Earth. If this happens, what are the fellow astronauts supposed to do about it?

Another Falcon 9 Launch—Will This One Be Different?

For the second time this month, the Elon Musk led SpaceX launched cargo into space. This time the privately owned company delivered its first satellite into orbit owned and operated by the former Soviet republic of Turkmenistan.

Extremely Hot Days—Why One Study Is Saying that Global Warming is to Blame

Climate change is already causing heat waves and other extreme weather events around the world. Now, a new study has confirmed that these types of extreme events will only get worse and as much as 75 percent of the planet's "moderate daily hot extremes" can be tied to climate change.

What Apps Are Making It Onto the Apple Watch? Not All Apps Approved

The Apple Watch is in the wild and with that comes a whole new host of apps that you can download and use right from your wrist. However, not all apps are making an appearance on the new platform and Apple has even begun rejecting some apps that have long held a place on the store for their iPads and iPhones.

How Toxic is LA's Air? Should You Fear For What's Happening to Your Brain?

We all know the dangers of air pollution. But studies have shown that air pollution could affect more than just your respiratory system. Past studies have shown that extended exposure especially in urban environments can increase the risk of autism in unborn children, and, in a new study, could even cause your brain to shrink over time.

Aid Arrives in Nepal: Who Was First on the Scene

In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, International rescue and relief teams have begun to converge on Kathmandu, Nepal's capital. Rescuers continue to poor in to the city even as hope fades that more survivors will be found. The quake that hit on Saturday has now been reported to have claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people.

A Weekend With the Apple Watch, Is It Worth The Pricetag?

The Apple Watch promises to be as intuitive of an experience and as easy to use as the iPhone, but in practice this little device worn on your wrist has proven to be far less than intuitive and at times frustrating to use.

Protestors On Mauna Kea Aren't Alone—Cyberterrorists Attack TMT Site on Sunday

It seems locals aren't the only ones upset about the construction of one of the world's largest telescopes near the summit of Mauna Kea, which is already home to not one but 13 large telescopes. The Thirty Meter Telescope will be one of the largest in the world when completed, but today, those opposed to the project received help from cyber protesters as they hacked the Thirty Meter Telescope website bringing it down for about two hours.

Removal of Ovaries Can Decrease Breast Cancer Death in Women

In a new study published online in JAMA Oncology, researchers have discovered that the removal of the ovaries can reduce breast cancer death by 62 percent in women diagnosed with breast cancer and carrying a BRCA1 gene mutation.

Aftershock Measuring Magnitude 6.7 Rocks Earthquake Ravaged Nepal

A magnitude 6.7 aftershock has rocked the already earthquake ravaged Nepal, sending residents of Kathmandu running for safety and triggering even more avalanches on Mount Everest. This latest aftershock struck north east of Kathmandu near the Nepal border with China at a depth of 10 kilometers, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Earthquake in Nepal Levels Building Killing Hundreds

A powerful earthquake struck in Nepal on Saturday near its capital, Katmandu, flattening many sections of the city's historic center trapping dozens of people in a 200-foot watchtower that crumbled into a pile rubble.
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