Chardynne Joy H. Concio

E-Cigarettes Could Be Linked to Seizures

Vaping may cause nicotine poisoning. Vaping-or the use of e-cigarettes-a worldwide phenomenon, has become the smokers' healthy alternative to actually smoking.

Terrifying New Illness Can Paralyze Children

A polio-like illness is on the rise. Late last year, six children in Minnesota were diagnosed with a rare, potentially paralyzing and deadly nervous system condition called acute flaccid myelitis or AFM.

A Groundbreaking Black Hole Announcement Is Coming

Astronomers worldwide have an exciting announcement to make. First ever proof of Black Holes, by way of photography, could possibly be revealed by astronomers from a worldwide network of cosmic observatories on April 10, according to the European Southern Observatory.

Odderon Particles: The Most Non-Particle Particles

Physicists detect the not-really-a-particle particle. An odderon is a particle that's even odder than its name suggests. It's a particle that isn't really a particle at all, confused yet? What we think of as particles are usually very stable: electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos and so on.

The Imminent Collapse of the “Doomsday Glacier”

A glacier the size of Florida is on track to change the course of human civilization. Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica are enormous in size and often referred to as the most dangerous glacier on Earth.

Greek Fishermen Are Netting More Garbage than Fish

The Greek are cleaning up their waterways. At 47, Dimitris Dalianis has never thought of himself as an eco-warrior. Like trawler captains the world over, fish has been his business.

A Mexican Company is Finding Ways to Use Native Cacti for Biofuel

One company in Mexico is finding new ways to create biofuel. With the entire known world putting forth a valiant effort to help preserve the planet, Mexico is now joining the crusade and making an enormous difference by way of native Cacti.

Earth Is Fighting Back Against Plastic Waste

Plastic-eating bacteria has been discovered in the Philippines. The Philippines has a plastic problem. Apart from being named one of the top five countries that contribute to half of the world's plastic pollution, a study reveals that the Philippines wastes over six million kilograms of plastic each day.

Researchers are Putting Einstein to the Test

Einstein’s LPI principle is tested on a black hole. Einstein is a renowned physicist best known for his theory of relativity and E-MC2, but even though his reputation largely precedes him, some researchers have taken up the task of testing his theories.

Thirst: How the Body Regulates It

A study shows that the stomach may have cells determining our level of thirst. Ever notice how an ice-cold glass of water can be the most delicious and refreshing option at times, while other times it feels as if your body is just saying no? A new study conducted in mice suggests that a mysterious element in the stomach may play a role by predicting how much you need to drink to satisfy the body.

Echolocation: Tapping into Our Animalistic Senses

Can humans use hidden senses such as echolocation? Everyone knows that bats are blind. Most of us are familiar with the echolocation sense in which bats use to navigate through their surroundings and locate food.

Should Technology Be Used to Extend the Human Lifespan?

Technology may be able to ‘hack’ human mortality. In light of rapid gains in gene editing, nanotechnology, and robotics, some futurists expect this generation's biohackers to double their life spans.

Twisted Graphene is Science’s Hottest New Topic

Atom-sized superconductors discovered with a simple angle adjustment. Just a year ago, scientists presented results that seemed almost too good to be true: Carbon sheets only a single atom thick, called graphene, took on a pair of important physical properties when they were twisted at just the right "magic" angle relative to one another.
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