Scientists made a stunning discovery which reveals that bacteria can exhibit a form of memory related to its adopting strategies. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Using aerial photography and satellite imagery, archeologists have unveiled a network of previously unknown and huge Bronze Age sites in Central Europe. Learn more about it in this article.
Gaia satellite uncovers the difference in B and Be star binarity which is linked to triple stellar systems. Continue reading the article to find out more.
A team of researchers combined magnetic and optical fields to achieve controlled 3D motion of colloidal robot collectives. Continue reading the article to find out more.
The NASA Chandra X-ray Center has demonstrated a breakthrough by creating music from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Find more about it in this article.
The Ice Core Archive holds a huge collection of ice from Greenland which offers insights into ancient climate change. Learn more about it in this article.
Liquid water and ice appear clear, but snow appears white. Find out why in this article. Most people recognize that water, in its pure form, is colorless.
Experts discovered human teeth in Bavaria and revealed the nutrition and migration of children during the Medieval era. Learn more about it in this article.
Scientists suggest that fire was discovered around two million years ago and was in constant use by about 400,000 years ago. Learn more about it in this article.
North Korea has successfully placed its first satellite into orbit,defying condemnation from international communities. Read the article to find out more.
Polio eradication campaign could succeed in the next few years, and experts exercise measures to keep it from coming back. Learn more about it in this article.
Army ants link their bodies to create bridges, a system that can inspire engineers in controlling robotic swarms. Find out more about it in this article.
We can reduce the number of bacteria but not eliminate them entirely. Find out why in this article. Bacteria have colonized the Earth more than any other class of organisms.