Erika P.

Mask Gun: The Solution For All Anti-Maskers

Mask Gun: The Solution For All Anti-Maskers

Anti-maskers are the new anti-vaxxers and ironically denies the true freedom to everyone by not wearing masks. A Youtuber named Allen Pan has found a new way to make them wear masks, whether they like it or not.
'Space Salsa' Is the New Spicy Dish Adapted for Flight Space for Astronauts

This New Space Salsa Is Out of This World

Danny's Rocket Ranch Space Salsa is oficially on sale on August 15. A portion of the sales of this new spicy space dish will fund kids in Space Camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Scientists Are Making Bomb-Sniffing Bugs Inspired From Locust's Ability To Smell and Trace Explosives

Scientists Create Bomb-Sniffing Locusts

Researchers found that locusts can smell explosives and determine their location. This ability is what inspires scientists to make bomb-sniffing cyborg locusts, but there are a few technical concerns that need to be aswered before using them in the field.

Face Pareidolia: The Psychology of Seeing Faces in Inanimate Objects

Why are the brains of people wired to see faces in inanimate objects? From the Virgin Mary's face on the toast to the smiling face of a car, the brain is primed to see faces in everyday objects and science has an explanation about this psychological phenomenon.
Frozen Foods: Do They Help Spread COVID-19?

Frozen Foods: Do They Help Spread COVID-19?

New Zealand and China suspected that their new cases of coronavirus may have come from imported frozen foods. But do these goods really help spread coronavirus? Here's what experts have to say.
10 Energy Saving Tips You Need To Know

10 Energy Saving Tips You Need To Know

There are many ways to reduce energy consumption at home to save on utility bills and protect the environment. Here are some basic tips to follow.

Identifying Twitter Troll Messages Using This New Strategy

Troll internet messages have a specific goal that they also try to hide while trolling in the internet. a new strategy developed by Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany demonstrates how two algorithms can identify Twitter trolls.
Coast Guard Attempts Burning Off Oil Leaking From Sunken Rig

Oil Spills: Here's Everything You Need To Know

Oil spills have been happening for many years now, but what causes them and how do people clean oil spills? Here's everything that you need to know about oil spills and its impact to the environment.

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