SpaceX Crew-1 astronauts successfully relocated the Crew Dragon spacecraft from its forward port at the International Space Station Harmony module to the space-facing port of the module.
April the Giraffe, the Internet sensation that captivated online audiences in the live stream of his calf Tajiri in 2017 was euthanized Friday due to advanced arthritis.
A wireless brain computer interface can help paralyzed people type on PCs and use their tablets by using their minds wherever they go, trials from a study revealed.
Four astronauts will make an unprecedented port relocation of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft to free up ISS port space for future commercial missions.
Drastic changes in South American forest vegetation occurred, leading to the rise of today's Amazon rainforest when the asteroid that ended the dinosaur age struck the Earth.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Protection updated its guidance, easing travel restrictions for fully vaccinated people due to the FDA-approved vaccines' high efficacy rate.
Astronomers are determining the cause of X-Rays emitted for the first time from Uranus. With its sideways rotation and not having a real surface, Uranus might seem to be the weirdest planet in the solar system.
A British study links alcohol consumption to a lower risk of cataract surgery. Drinking 14 units of alcohol a week, specifically red wine, could lead to a lesser chance of having a cataract, findings from a new British study reveals.
A report released by a joint team of scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) and China shows little concrete proof on how the COVID-19 pandemic started.
Mummified birds found in the Andes region in South America remain a mystery to anthropologists. Ancient Americans brought exotic birds to the Andes and mummified them with their mouths open, anthropologists in Chile revealed.
NASA's Psyche Mission achieved a key milestone with the arrival of a key component at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ahead of the asteroid-targeted spacecraft's targeted August 2022 launch.
A golden retriever mom saved the day as she tracked the whereabouts of her missing puppy pinned underneath a boulder in Wyoming County in Pennsylvania.
NASA food scientists seek an ideal space food system that will offer delicious and nutritious meals for astronauts in long-duration interplanetary missions.
Men with stable coronary artery disease taking PDE-5 inhibitors, such as Viagra, gain a worthwhile perk, which is a lower risk of subsequent heart problems, a study revealed.
Researchers from Flinders University in Australia discovered through a fossil CT scan that the skull of the large extinct Dromornis stirtoni had a large skull with very little space for a brain.
Researchers from the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden developed a novel thermometer seen to revolutionize quantum computing and thermodynamics.