Hannah C.

Tropical Soils Are Highly Sensitive to Climate Change

Tropical soils play a significant role in the Earth's natural carbon cycle. Scientists measure how much worse carbon emissions have gotten in recent years by keeping track of soil temperatures.
Tear Study Can Help With Conservation of Species

Tear Study Can Help With Conservation of Species

Animal tears are found to be very similar to human tears, with a few biological differences depending on the environment. Researchers hope to develop better eye treatments as well as find ways to help conserve several bird and reptile species.
Science Times - Lung Microbiome Causes Lung Injury During Oxygen Support

Prolonged Oxygen Support Can Cause Lung Injury

Critically ill patients with coronavirus are usually treated in intensive care with oxygen support. Researchers discover that the lung microbiome changes, leading to lung injury as patients receive high concentrations of oxygen.
3 Benefits of Anger

Three Benefits of Anger

Anger, which can be the form of mild annoyance or grow into a rage, is a uniquely negative emotion that has some benefits. It is a normal human emotion just like happiness and sadness and is not entirely bad as long as it is controlled.
How Do Bees Drink Nectar Exactly?

How Do Bees Drink Nectar Exactly?

Scientists had previously thought that honeybees only extract nectar in one way. Video recordings revealed that bees extract nectar in two distinct ways for maximum efficiency.
After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

50 years after the first glass panel was installed on the Moon, laser beam signals were picked up at a station in France. Scientists can now measure the precise and changing distance between the Moon and Earth amongst other measurements.
Educational Attainment Affects the Risk of Dementia

Educational Attainment Affects the Risk of Dementia

Dementia is one of the worst cognitive declines that older adults suffer from. A recent study links the risk of cognitive decline to how much formal education people have received from childhood to early adulthood.
Dwarf Planet Ceres May Have Been an Ocean World

Dwarf Planet Ceres May Have Been an Ocean World

NASA scientists confirm the presence of liquid water on the icy, Pluto-like dwarf planet Ceres. The planet's craters have bright spots full of evidence that water evaporated from beneath the surface, leaving salt residues.
Microfibers Cause More Pollution Than Previously Thought

Microfibers Cause More Pollution Than Previously Thought

Changing production processes in the textile industry can significantly reduce how much microplastic fibers find their way in water systems and eventually in food supplies. Researchers compare the difference between scissor-cut textiles and laser-cut textiles.

Indonesia's Mount Sinabung Spews Ash 3 Miles High

Mount Sinabung first erupted twice on August 8, and a third time on August 10. Locals are being warned of possible lava flows since volcano eruptions within the Ring of Fire are unpredictable.
The Fine Line Between Productivity and Addiction

The Fine Line Between Productivity and Addiction

Addiction to productivity causes hyper-focus on the present while failing to see the bigger picture - compulsive behavior, lost relationships, and bad health. Through time, intervention, and therapy, workaholics can avoid and recover from the 'mixed-blessing addiction.'
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Illness Distinguished by Brain Activity

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Illness Distinguished by Brain Activity

Chronic fatigue syndrome had previously been a symptom under the Gulf War illness. Abnormal brain activity after exercise shows the contrast of the two conditions which can help with the development of diagnosis and treatment for each condition and even for COVID-19 long-haulers with similar symptoms.
Rare 5.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits North Carolina

Rare 5.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits North Carolina

A recent earthquake in North Carolina reminds locals of the state's long history of damage-causing quakes. A particular occurrence more than 140 years ago was described as 'explosive shocks' of about 75 consecutive earthquakes.
Closed Buildings Due to Lockdown May be At Risk of Legionella Bacteria

CDC Warns Building Owners of Bacterial Growth in Water Systems

Legionella bacteria thrives in stagnant water systems and can cause a severe form of pneumonia. The CDC has several guidelines for buildings that have reopened or will be reopening, reminding the importance of checking water systems for waterborne pathogens.
Science Times - The Perseid Meteor Shower's Peak is Just Days Away!

The Perseid Meteor Shower's Peak Is Just Days Away!

Although the Northern hemisphere will get the best view of the Perseids, the Southern hemisphere can still enjoy the show a few hours later. Here are a few things to keep in mind when getting ready for this year's celestial show.
Israeli Start-Up Mass Produces Microalgae

Israeli Start-Up Yemoja to Mass Produce Microalgae

Microalgae has multiple health benefits as a dietary supplement but only a few species have been commercially available. An Israeli company aims to expand the production and use of microalgae.

Can an Electric Cooker Decontaminate N95 Masks?

Researchers discovered that the best way to decontaminate N95 masks is by using an electric cooker like an Instant pot or rice cooker. Dry heat effectively kills bacteria without damaging any part of the mask.
6 Health Benefits of Spirulina

6 Health Benefits of Spirulina

Spirulina has become a popular superfood alongside other microalgae used to make dietary supplements. The superfood is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutritious properties.
Toxicants in Whales and Dolphins Traced Back to Fossil Fuels & SIngle-Use Plastics

Toxicants in Whales and Dolphins Traced Back to Fossil Fuels & Single-Use Plastics

For the first time, researchers trace high concentrations of numerous toxicants in stranded whales and dolphins found in the coasts of Florida and North Carolina. Chemicals from fossil fuels and single-use plastics make their way into the marine environment and can be found in the fish and shrimp that dolphins and humans eat alike.
How REM Sleep and Appetite Are Connected

How REM Sleep and Appetite Are Connected

Very little remains known about brain activity during REM sleep. Linking neural activity during REM sleep to eating behaviors reveal the importance of sleep quality and not just quantity.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a Second Language

Learning a foreign language has various cognitive benefits. However, it's never too late for adults to share in the benefits of learning a second language, especially with modern technology making it easier.

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