Isabella B.

Study Shows Worrying Acceleration of Global Ice Loss

A new study shows how fast the global ice is melting, losing roughly 28 trillion tonnes since 1994. Record-breaking acceleration of ice loss throughout the planet worries scientists in a new study published on Monday.

Bees: What Do We Really Know?

There are many misconceptions regarding bees, and as much as some may fear them, bees are key to the flourishment of flowers and fruits.

Slow Demise of the Devonian Era

Unlike other mass-extinction events, the Devonian extinction was a slow demise for early organisms due to multiple crises.

Early Human Species: How Many Were There?

A long time ago, there were more human species than just homo sapiens and homo Erectus. But scientists are debating how to classify the different species.

Dogs, Why Do You Bury Bones?

Experts say that dogs bury their bones out of instinct from their gray wolf ancestors, with some breeds more prone to odd behavior than others.

How Whales Help Take CO2 Out of the Atmosphere

Research says that due to 20th-century commercial whaling, we have lost a vital carbon sequestration opportunity that could remove millions of tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Rare Starfish Fossil Answers How They Grew Arms

The chance discovery revealed how starfish evolved their iconic arms. How starfish grew arms has always puzzled scientists. A chance discovery in the desserts of Morocco may finally answer the great mystery.
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