Kendra Stacy

Children Who Use Smartphones During Meals Have Higher Risk for Obesity, Study Reveals

Cicada Snack? These Insects Are Becoming the Latest Food Trend as They Have High Protein, Low Calories, Nutty Taste; Are They Safe To Eat?

Bizarre Planet 'WASP-193b' Found To Have the Density of Cotton Candy Despite Its Enormous Size, Making It Second-Least Dense Exoplanet Ever Discovered

13.7-Foot-Long Crocodile That Possibly Ate a Pet Dog Caught by Authorities After Attacking Houseboat; How Common Are These Croc Attacks?

Tone Deafness Is Real: Here's Why Some People Struggle With Musical Pitches

Lower Testosterone Levels Among Men Associated With Higher Mortality and Risk of Dying Due to CVD, Study Reveals

Dangerous Sweets: Deadly Bacteria Contamination Prompts US FDA To Recall More Popular Candies

Mysterious Underground 'Anomaly' Discovered by Archaeologists in Ancient Egyptian Cemetery Close to Iconic Complex of Pyramids of Giza

Jawbone of Dead Near-50-Foot Sperm Whale That Washed Ashore Apparently Stolen, Cut Off With Chainsaw

Refined vs. Natural Sugar: Here's Why the Latter, When Found in Whole Foods, Is More Beneficial

Brain White Matter Changes Related to Aging Could Affect Post-Stroke Recovery, Study Reveals

Cruise Ship Finds 50,000-Pound Dead Sei Whale; Investigations Suggest That Endangered Species Could Have Died After Being Struck by the Vessel

James Webb Space Telescope Finds Distinct Carbon-Rich Atmosphere Around '55 Cancri E' Exoplanet

Mysterious Blobs in Pacific Ocean: Study Links These Warm Water Patches to Aerosol Emission Reduction in China

Fastest Spinning Space Rock on Record? Asteroid 2024 BX1 That Blasted Over Berlin Had the Fastest Spin Among Near-Earth Objects

Colorectal Cancer Is on the Rise Among Young Adults, Teens, and Children, Sparking Concerns and Worry [STUDY]

Motherhood Changes You: Here's How Being a Mom Affects Your Body, Biology

White Hair Explained: Here's Why It Can't Go Back to Its Original Color if the Cause Is Genetic

Cancer-Causing Car Chemicals? Vehicles Found To Contain Flame Retardants Considered Potential Carcinogens, Study Reveals

Over-Salting Food Could Heighten Stomach Cancer Risk by 40%, Study Finds

Greetings of Poop? African Elephants Found To Use Feces To Say Hello to Each Other

Gene Therapy Allows Deaf Baby Girl Born With Congenital Defect To Hear Unaided, Offering Hope To Individuals Suffering From Hearing Loss

Youth Skin Care Obsession: Doctor Explains What To Do and What To Avoid

Tourist Traffic Could Be Driving Algal Bloom Growth in Lake Windermere, Causing the Waters To Turn Green, Researchers Claim

Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Shorter Lifespan, Study Reveals; How Dangerous Are They?

Case Closed? 2,700-Year-Old Mystery of Temple Symbols in Ancient City Could Have Been Solved by Historian

Rare Wooden Structure From Bronze Age Discovered by Archaeologists in Well-Preserved Condition

Stair Climbing: How Good Is It For Health?

Prey Playing Dead? Dice Snake Fakes Death Using Bloody, Gory Tactics To Avoid Getting Eaten by Predators, Study Reveals
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

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