Lester Mondragon

New Zealand Alpine Fault Line Opens New Source Of Energy

A potential Source was accidentally discovered by researchers of New Zealand in the form of hot water. During their deep drill research, they found hot water stretching hundreds of miles underground and could be an enormous source of energy that can be converted to electricity. It could also be harnessed to heat homes and nearby industries like dairy farming.

Helium 3 & Platinum Abundance Attracts Mining Investors Lunar Race

The race to the moon heats up as mining investors and private entities prepare their lunar spacecrafts for Google's Lunar XPrize of $20 million plus a $4 million incentive for water detection. The promise of Helium 3 nad Platinum is another goal for miners of the moon.

Plutonium Discovered As Nuclear Waste Disposal Agent

Plutonium sheds light to a new discovery for its use to clean up nuclear waste. The Hanford, Washington State underground tunnel collapse is a wake up call to expedite their research for its disposl. Hanford contains 56 million gallons of radioactive waste kept in underground storage tanks.
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