Lornajane Altura

Skyrmions: the new face of computer data storage

Scientists developed skyrmionics A group of scientists developed skyrmions which are the next generation of data storage and processing devices. Skyrmions are nanometer-sized vortex-like structures in magnetic fields that on the surface of the magnet.

Scientists develop probe that detects cancers

Purdue University researchers discover a probe that detects autoimmune diseases Purdue University scientists have discovered how to monitor and deal with specific types of cancers through immunoproteasome.

Scientists develop organic materials for electronics

Argonne researchers develop an advanced way of developing organic materials for electronics The U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has developed a method on how to control the electronic structure of organic electronics.

Researchers develop a self-healing electronic skin

An electron skin inspired by jellyfish is developed by NUS researchers The National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers have developed a jellyfish-inspired electronic skin that has self-healing properties in aquatic environments.

Time reversal through quantum computers

Scientists discover how to reverse time Valerii Vinokur and his team of scientists from the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory successfully returned a computer briefly to the past.

Detecting Parkinson's disease using nanotechnology

Scientists discover a method in detecting Parkinson's and other brain disorders University of Central Florida researchers was able to develop a new technique in detecting Parkinson's disease.

Colon cancer prevention through microbiota

The presence of microbiota in early life prevents occurrence of colon cancer Georgia State University researchers found out that colon cancer inhibition can happen if a person is exposed to microbiota in the early stages of life.

Blindness to be prevented through a hydrogel contact lens

Scientists discover that blindness can be prevented through a contact lens made of hydrogel University of New Hampshire scientists have synthesized a hydrogel to be used as a contact lens for treating corneal melting, a precursor for blindness.

Monitoring air pollution through honey

Honey can be an indicator on the level of air pollution The University of British Columbia and the nonprofit Hives for Humanity conducted a study that showed how honey from urban beehives is a biomonitor on the level of pollution a city has.

Male mice with nice smell attract Female mice better

Pheromones in male mice attract Female mice Lead researcher Dustin Penn from Vetmeduni Vienna discovered that male house mice attract female house mice better because the former excretes higher pheromone levels compared to other male mice.

NanoNeedle: A way to modify plant genes

Scientists discover a way to modify plant genes through a nano-needle University of California-Berkeley scientists found a way to modify plant genes through a nano-needle.

Untangling the black hole mess

Physicists discover a method on how to unscramble information embedded in black holes University of Maryland scientists provided information from an experiment about the use of quantum mechanics to obtain data inside a black hole which is contrary to modern physics that states that information will be lost forever after being consumed in a black hole.

Scientists discover more on gene expression

Scientists discover what happens in gene transcription University of Michigan scientists discovers that it only 2 percent of the human genome code for cellular functions of proteins while 98 percent of the noncoding DNA accounts for gene expression.

Chemistry breakhrough: capturing carbon dioxide for keeps

Carbon dioxide has a new process of converting it into coal Scientists from RMIT University have discovered an economically viable process of converting carbon dioxide into solid coal through liquid metals.

Producing biofuels from Escherichia coli

E. coli used to produce bioproducts including biofuels A new method in producing bioproducts by optimizing and genetically engineering E. coli bacteria has been proposed.

Oxalic acid from captured carbon dioxide: a new process

Scientists discover the process in converting captured carbon dioxide into oxalic acid Michigan Technological University scientists discovered a method in capturing carbon dioxide and converting it to oxalic acid.

Filipino scientists get a thumbs up of their space app from NASA

A mobile app developed by Filipinos provides data relevant to fisherfolk Filipino scientists developed a mobile application that aims to provide fishermen with scientific data gets the nod of their app from the United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Physicists discovers planet-like spinning electrons

Electrons are found to spin like planets Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers discovered planet-like spinning electrons that could innovate solar cells, electronic displays, lasers, and in lighting.
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