Lysette Maurice N. Sandoval

Birds Can Tell Whether Humans Are Good or Bad

Birds, particularly Jackdaws, can tell if a human looking at them is good or bad. Can birds tell if a person looking at them is thinking of doing something bad? A new study says that it is possible for birds, particularly Jackdaws, to warn each other of a sighting of a possibly "bad" human.

Novel Cancer Drugs: Are They Worth It?

Many new cancer medications have sprung, each one promising to bring better results than the last, but are they really worth all the extra costs?

Under The Sea Lava Flows With Beauty Off Italian Coast

The volcanic seascape off the Italian coast is literally tearing the Earth’s crust apart. Under the Tyrrhenian Sea off the southwest part of Italy lies a volcanic mosaic with flat-topped seamounts and dotted with what can be likened to geothermal chimneys.

Earth’s Mantle Reassessed: Looking Into Its Compositional Evolution

Researchers are once again evaluating the dynamics between the Earth’s mantle and its surface. What makes up the middle of the Earth? Nobody truly knows the chemical composition of the planet's interior because it is impossible to go down beyond ten kilometers into the mantle of the Earth.
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