Margaret Davis

Breakthrough Study on a Living Slice of Brain Will Help Develop New Drugs, Treatments for Fatal Diseases

Japan's Space Agency Join Forces With 30 Companies to Develop Reusable Rockets to Slash Costs By Over 70%

Lung Transplant on the Rise: Experts Weigh in Whether to Allocate Scarce Resource to Those Who Chose to Not Get Vaccinated
Himalayas Tibetan Plateau Unique Tectonic Construction Uncovered; What's Behind It's Decades-Long Mystery?
COVID-19 Omicron Variant Sparks Fears Over Christmas Travel Ban, Lockdown; Health Expert Says It's Unlikely to Bring UK Back to Square One

Large Asteroid Heading to Earth in December Could Cause Massive Destruction Greater Than an Atomic Bomb
Solar Flare Warning: Geomagnetic Storm Could Reach Earth and Peak Sunday, Second Coronal Hole a Possibility

Testing of AIM-260 Missile Underway: New Weapon Could Be Placed in Air Force or Navy Aircraft in 2022

Social Media Use Linked to Depression in Middle-Aged Adults as It Makes Them Feel Older, Harvard Study Claims

Nutrition Plays Key Role in Sleep: Here are the Best Foods That Improve Sleeping Patterns
Thanksgiving in Space: This Is How Astronauts Celebrate the Holiday Aboard the International Space Station

Airplane Fuel From Sunlight and Air: New Plant Can Produce Carbon Neutral Fuel for Sustainable Aviation and Maritime Transportation

Neanderthal Teeth May Have Grown Faster, Four Months Earlier Than In Modern Humans as Evident in a 120,000-Year Old Milk Tooth

Are You Binge Drinking? Take This Online Quiz to Know Your Drink Risk Level and Prepare For the Holiday Season

Heart Arrhythmia: Alcoholic Drink Not Caffeine Or Sleep Deprivation Could Trigger Irregular Heartbeat, Study Says
1,800-Year-Old Iron Face Mask of A Roman Empire Soldier Unearthed in Turkey
London's River Thames Now Home to Various Marine Species After 64 Years of Being Declared as 'Biologically Dead'
Bees in Costa Rica Evolved to Have Extra Tooth and a Gut Similar to Vultures to Eat Meat Instead of Nectar

Social Distancing Alone Not Effective: Vaccination, Face Masks, and Ventilation More Important This Winter Season
Mystery on Perovskite Solar Cell's Tolerance to Defects Uncovered For the First Time
Russia's Anti-Satellite Weapon Test Created 1,500 Space Junk, Prompting Astronauts in the ISS to Take Shelter in Escape Pods
Peeking Into a Chrysalis: Stunning Video Reveals How Butterfly Wing Scales Grow During Metamorphosis
ExoMiner Deep Neural Network Finds 301 New Exoplanets Added to the Total Count of NASA's Kepler Mission

Smoking Reduce Signaling Ability of Cytokines That May Lead to Severe COVID-19, Stanford Researchers Found
Opioid Overdose Treatment: Wearable Device Works Like Insulin Shots to Inject Naloxone in a Timely Manner
Norovirus Suspected to be the Cause of Alarming Increase of Illnesses in Wyoming, Health Officials Say

Recurring Urinary Tract Infection Solution: Scientists Use Whole-Cell Vaccines To Solve Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
NASA To Launch SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket For DART Spacecraft Mission, Protect Earth From Asteroid Collision

Over 10% of COVID-19 Patients Can Develop Eye or Ear Problem, Latest Data Suggests
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

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