Margaret Davis

Ongoing Undersea Volcanic Eruption Creates New Landmass off Japan's Coast
96-Million-Year-Old Herbivorous Dinosaur Unearthed in North Texas Would Have Been the Size of a Border Collie
Surprising Diversity of Darwin Wasps Found in Brazilian Rainforest Challenges Habitat Assumptions
Enceladus Unveiled: Cassini's Clues and New Insights Into the Potential for Life in Saturn's Icy Moon

Do Redheads Experience Pain Differently? The Influence of Hair Color on Anesthesia Prescriptions
Touching Quantum Physics With Superfluid Helium 3He: What Does It Feels Like?

NASA's Retired Telescope Detects Atomic Oxygen on Venus's Day Side, Shedding Light on Atmosphere Differences

Vampire Viruses Observed For the First Time in the US: What Are These Pathogens?
Euclid Space Telescope Reveals First Images of the Dark Universe in Mesmerizing Detail

Why Do Objects Float on Water? Understanding the Role of Buoyancy and Density in the Phenomenon of Floating

Daily Wasabi Consumption Enhances Memory and Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Study Reveals
NASA's Kepler Telescope Data Unveils a Planetary System With Seven Hot, Large Exoplanets

Chinese Astronauts' Successful Space Farming: Lettuce and Beyond in Shenzhou-16 Mission

Auroras in Texas? Rare Solar Eruptions Paint Southern US Skies with Vibrant Northern Lights

Belly Flops Explained: Physics Behind Painful Poolside Splat

Earth's Tipping Point: Physicists Reveal How Human Activity Could Push the Climate Beyond Recovery

Celestial Highlights This Week: Watch Out For the Venus-Moon Conjunction, Meteor Shower, and More
First Radio Telescope Images Capture the 'Ring of Fire' Effect in Annular Solar Eclipse, Defying Expectations
Martian Meteorites Striking Earth Found To Be Younger Than Expected: Unearthing Insights Into the Red Planet's Geological History
Biosensor Inspired by Butterflies Expands Human Sight Into Ultraviolet Realm, Detects Cancer Cells
25,000-Year-Old Buried Structure in Indonesia Could Be the World's Oldest Pyramid, Older Than Stonehenge and Giza
Incredible Footage Reveals Massive Megapod of Spinner Dolphins in Spectacular Aerial Hunt off Costa Rica

Do Ghosts Exist? A Psychological Perspective on the Paranormal

407-Million-Year-Old Fossil Fish Reveal the Origin of Shoulders in Vertebrates
Mysterious 'Blobs' in Earth's Mantle Might Be the Remnants From the Protoplanet Collision That Birthed the Moon
2,000-Year-Old Historic Roman Road Used by Key Historic Figures Unearthed in a Garden in Scotland
Pluto's Surprising Secret Ice Volcano Could Be Larger than Yellowstone, NASA Reveals

Underwater Volcano Eruption: Is it More Dangerous Than Volcano Activity on Land?

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage: What You Need To Know
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists