Margaret Davis

NASA Plans to Launch Artemis II in November 2024, Reports Update on the Successful Artemis I Mission

Bacteria Responsible for Tuberculosis Can Turn Air Into Electricity to Power Small Portable Devices

Earth's Water Older Than the Sun Astronomers Found 'Missing Link' on How It Reached the Solar System

How Will Watching TV Help the Planet? New Study Shows Benefits of Nature Documentaries

30-Year-old Hubble Space Telescope Slowly Falling Lower in Orbit, Requiring Immediate Remedy

Giant Carnivorous Ants Swarmed North America 47 Million Years Ago, Raising Questions on Prehistoric Insect Size

Kilauea Volcanic Eruption Finally Ceased After 61 Days; USGS Confirms Lava No Longer Flowing

How Reliable Is Microsoft's Medical AI? New BioGPT Seems Pretty Impressive But Might Be Inaccurate

Sphinx-like Statue Unearthed in Ancient Egyptian Temple Looks Like Roman Emperor Claudius

Japan Preparing to Release Treated Radioactive Wastewater to the Pacific Ocean: Will It Endanger the Waters?

Iron Age Comb Made From Human Skull Unearthed in England May Have Served as an Amulet, Researchers Say

Japan's Newest Rocket Fails Minutes Into Its First Flight; JAXA Ordered It To Be Destroyed After Failing to Reach Orbit

AI Trained to Detect Biosignatures on Mars and Other Planets May Help Reduce Search Area for More Accurate Findings

Spacecraft With One-fifth the Speed of Light Could Reach Another Solar System in 20 Years, Experts Say

Plasticosis: Scientists Describe First Disease Plastic Ingestion by Humans, Animals
Invasive Spider Caught in the Act of Feeding on a Shrew; New Study Shows It Habitually Preys Upon Vertebrates

5,000-Year-old Burial Mounds of the World’s Earliest Horseback Riders Found in Asia and Europe

Orca Found Swimming With a Pilot Whale Calf in What Seems To Be an Interspecies Adoption

Newly Discovered Comet Is Making a Close Approach Toward the Sun; It Becomes as Bright as a Star in 2024, Astronomers Say

Top 50 Most Good-looking Nationalities: AI Shows Beautiful People From Different Countries; How Does Science Measure Beauty, Attractiveness?
How Did Missing Argentinian Man's Remains Get Into a Shark's Stomach? Here's What Experts Think

3,500-Year-old Perfectly Preserved, Mummified Bear Might Lead to 'Breakthrough in Ancient Animal Study'

Giant Insect From Jurassic Era Found in Walmart Opens Deeper Ecological Questions
Prehistoric Sea Monster That Once Roamed Cleveland Waters May Have Been Shorter, Chunkier Than Previously Thought

Oldest Known Pollen-carrying Insect Lived About 280 Million Years Ago, Pushing Fossil Records
Bizarre Dinosaur Featured in the Latest Jurassic Movie Has Scythe-like Claws Useless for Fighting, Study Reveals

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Captures Dramatic Hour-by-Hour Changes of Dart Mission Slamming on an Asteroid
Red Goshawk of Australia Facing Extinction; Queensland Now the Only Remaining Place To Support Breeding Populations
Dinkinesh: NASA’s Lucy Mission Names First Asteroid Target It Will Encounter Later This Year
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

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