Margaret Davis

Experts Explain the Likelihood of Three Massive Earthquakes in Mexico Hitting on the Same Day in Three Different Years

People Having Frequent Nightmares in Middle Age Are More Likely To Be Diagnosed With Dementia Later in Life
Large Gray Rat Snake Rescued in Alabama After Shocked Homeowner Finds It in the Toilet

Autonomous 3D Printing Drones the First of Its Kind to Build, Repair Structures In-Flight

Amphibian Die-Off in Central America Allowed Mosquito Populations to Multiply, Spiking Malaria Cases

Archaeologists Are Getting Closer to Determining the Mystery Date of the Infamous Thera Volcano Eruption in Greece

Air Pollution Triggers Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers by Increasing Gene Mutation Linked to the Disease

'Complete Mystery' of 14 Sperm Whales Found Washed Ashore on a Remote Island in Australia Baffles Scientists

Youngest Monkeypox Case Is an Infant under 2 Months from Florida, CDC Confirms

Dinosaurs Could Have Been Declining 2 Million Years Before the Asteroid Impact, Study Reveals

Discovery of the Nearest Black Hole to Earth Implies Existence of Many Others in the Galaxy
Cancer Therapy Puts Severe Lupus Patients into Remission After Three Months of Treatment

AI Used in Identifying Genomic Tradeoffs in Mutation Brought About Human Evolution

Electric Vehicles Part of the Solution to Electricity Problems in California and Not the Problem, Experts Claim

About 20 Quadrillion Ants are Crawling on Earth Based on New Estimates

7.7-Magnitude Earthquake Rocked Mexico on Chilling Anniversaries of 2 Previous Disasters; Tsunami Threat 'Largely Passed'

Novel Catheter Shows Promising Results for Pulmonary Embolism by Reducing Artery Obstruction to Improve Heart Function

Superintelligent AI May Be Impossible to Control Unless Humans Can Comprehend It, Researchers Say

Robotics Industry in China is Flourishing Amid Shortage in Workforce

Doctors Removed 55 Batteries From a Woman's Stomach: How Harmful Does Ingesting These Things Could Be?

Red Sky Paradox: Scientists Present New Theory on the Rarity of Earth's Life

Percutaneous Vs. Surgical Repair: Post-MI Ventricular Septal Defect Repair Strategies in Real-World Practice Compared

Extremely Rare Megamouth Sharks Spotted Potentially Mating Off the Coast of San Diego

UAE Partners With China to Help Further Its Moon Exploration Ambitions

What Happens When Lightning Strikes A Person? Man From the UK Survives Getting Hit by One

Rare Deep-Sea Shark With Protruding Eyes, Teeth Shocks Fisherman in Australia

Animals Disguising Themselves As Inanimate Objects Is a Better Camouflage Than Just Blending in the Background

Limb Lengthening Getting Popular Among Software Engineers in Big Tech Companies: Is It Safe?

Newly Discovered Extinct Lizard-like Species Lived 150 Million Years Ago Alongside Dinosaurs
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists