Margaret Davis

NASA's Perseverance Rover Found Unexpected Trash on Mars: How Did the Piece of Metal Reach There?

Black Death Disputes End After 675 Years After Researchers Discover the Origin of the Bubonic Plague That Kills Millions of People
China Announces Its 'Sky Eye' Telescope May Have Detected Signals From Extraterrestrial Life or Civilization Beyond Earth

Rare 5-Planet Conjunction Peaks Next Week; Watch Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn Light Up Morning Sky For the First Time in 18 Years

Littermate Syndrome Awareness: Is Raising 2 Or More Puppies at Once Dangerous? 2-Year-Old Girl Mauled By a Pack of Pups

SpaceX Faces New Hurdle as NASA Fears Starship Could Explode and Affect Nearby Infrastructures Critical to ISS

China Releases a Detailed Map of the Moon's Geology Which Will Be Helpful In Future Space Exploration

Researchers Are Getting Closer to Creating 'Revolutionary' Cancer Vaccines

Over 8,000 Iron Age Frog Bones Found in A Ditch Near Cambridge Leave Experts Baffled

SpaceX Gets Approval From FAA to Continue Its Rocket Projects in Texas, But There's a Catch

Lion vs. Crocodile: Big Cat Successfully Crosses Stream Infested With 40 Crocs Unscathed [Watch]

Monkeypox DNA Found in Semen of Some Patients Strongly Favors Sexual Transmission Hypothesis, Study Says

New Study Identifies 2 Proteins Directly Linked to DNA Repair in Cancer Cells That Could Help Patients Resistant to Certain Treatments

Bariatric Surgery Not Just for Weight Loss But Can Also Significantly Reduce Obesity-Related Cancer and Premature Death [Study]

Scientists Found a 'Hidden World' 1,600-Foot Underneath the Thick Ice in Antarctica

Generations of Incest Turned This Family's Skin Into Blue; Are There Still Blue-Skinned Members From the Family?

Diver Swallowed Whole by a Massive Humpback Whale; How Did He Survive?

Celebrities Warned About DNA Theft From Obsessed Fans as 'Genetic Paparazzi' Continue to Rise

Britain's Lost Atlantis City Found After It Sunk Underwater in 650 Years [Report]

3D Printing in Medicine: Bioprinting Will Be Available in a Decade, Probably Cheaper Than Costs Associated With Organ Failure
Meet Therizinosaurus From 'Jurassic World Dominion' A.K.A. Scythe Lizard: Herbivorous Dinosaur Could Kill A T. Rex

Babies Tend to Punish Antisocial Behavior; Morality, Punishment Might Be Intrinsic and Not Learned

First Preserved Fossil of Psittacosaurus Dinosaur With Umbilical Scar Equivalent to Belly Button Discovered in China

4,500-Year-Old Seagrass Is World's Largest Plant That Can Clone Itself to Reproduce, Researchers Claim

NASA Chief Scientist Thomas Zurbuchen Announces They Will Study Unidentified Flying Object for National Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Predicts 3D Structure of Rotavirus Spike Protein Giving New Insights on How It Infects Cells

AI Model Trained to Analyze Histopathology Images to Predict Postoperative Recurrence of Chron's Disease With High Accuracy

Saudi Arabia Commits to Invest $1 Billion a Year for Anti-Ageing Research and Finding Ways to Extend Lifespan

Researchers From the University of Chicago Creates Biodegradable Solar Cell Made of Porous Silicon to Power Pacemaker
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists