Margaret Davis

How Does Heartbreak Affect the Body? Here's the Science Behind A Broken Heart

Tiangong Space Station Adorned in Red for Taikonauts' First Lunar New Year Celebration

1,800 Feet-Wide Trojan Asteroid Trapped in the Same Orbit As Earth for 4000 Years is Great for Future Flyby Missions, Astronomers Suggest

Sugary Drinks With Graphic Health Warnings Make Parents Less Likely to Buy Them

Medical Waste Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Poses Great Risk to Human and Environmental Health, WHO Warns

Earth Has 14% More Tree Species Than Previously Thought: Why Does Diversity of Forests Matter?

Scientists Explain Why Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune Have Different Shades of Blue

HIV Patient Who Harbored SARS-CoV-2 For Nine Months Developed At Least 21 Mutations of the Virus

Evidence of Life on Mars Remains Mysterious Until Martian Rock Sample From NASA Curiosity Rover Will Be Analyzed

What is Bomb Cyclone? Winter Storm Undergoes Bombogenesis Causing Blizzard in Northeast

Are We Living In the Past? New Study Shows Brain Acts Like A Time Machine That Brings Us 15 Seconds Back

Earth's Magnetic Field Help Migratory Birds Know Which Direction to Head and How to Return to Nesting Sites

Crashing Starlink Satellite Caused A Light Show in Brazil Last Weekend; Space Junk Re-entering the Earth Becoming a Norm?

Protein That Organizes DNA Also Responsible for the Healthy Functioning of Blood Stem Cells, Study Shows

Medieval Text Describes First Ball Lighting Recorded in History; How Does This Bizarre Phenomenon Form?

Pilot Missed Chance To Be Part of SpaceX Inspiration4 Crew After Winning Raffle Due To His Weight

Close Encounter of the Moon, Mars and Other Planets Will Be Happening This Weekend; When to Watch

Hibernating Squirrels Can Teach Astronauts Metabolic Treat to Prevent Muscle Loss

Did Octopus Come From Outer Space? New Study Claims Meteor Impacts Brought These Eight-Armed Creatures to Earth

Revolutionary Technology Will Use Lasers to Beam Power to Low Earth Orbit Satellites During Eclipses

Changes in Blood Vessels in the Retina Linked to Risk of Heart Disease, Study Suggests

Early Holocene Cemetery Gives New Insights How Ancient People Dealt With Climate Change

Heartburn Causes: Why Does the Chest Feel Like It's on Fire After Eating and What Foods Can Help Ease the Feeling?

How Can Common Plastics Make People Fat? 11 Chemicals in Plastic Products Contribute to Weight Gain

What is Omicron Subvariant BA.2? Scientists Now Closely Monitoring the More Contagious Virus

Solar Eclipse 2022: A Guide to When the Sun, Moon, and Earth Align This Year and Where to Watch It

Spooky Cosmic Object Could Be A New Type of Star With Ultra-Powerful Magnetic Field

Changes in Heart Size Could Affect Memory and Thinking Abilities in Middle Age, Study Suggests

Meet 190-Year-Old Jonathan the Oldest Living Tortoise and Other Old Land Animals on the Planet
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists