Mark B.

Yale Creates Error-Correcting Cat for Quantum Computers

Physicists from Yale University have developed an "error-correcting cat". This device combines the concept of superposition from the famous Schrödinger's cat experiment, and the ability to fix some of the persisting problems with quantum computation.

These 4 Animals Possess Specialized Senses

Previous studies have already established how animals "sense" the environment around them in an entirely different way from how humans do. To learn more about these natural curiosities, here are four animals with specialized senses.
Barber Barber Gentleman's Saloon In Manchester

Why Does Hair Make Your Razor Blades Dull?

The age-old question of how sharp razors and blades are dulled by shaving something as soft and thin as human hair has been observed by engineers from MIT.

Herbivores, Not Predators, Are at Most Risk of Extinction

Herbivores are apparently facing the greatest risk of extinction, a new study suggests. Herbivores, animals whose diets revolve around plants, are supposedly facing the highest risk of extinction, a new study suggests.
Seismogram Measured In Japan

Citizen Scientists Help Detect Earthquakes and Tremors

Researchers from Northwestern University have tapped citizen scientists, some 2,000 of them, for a crowd-based analysis of seismic recordings - an activity previously limited to specialized computers or trained professionals.

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