Mark Bustos

Quantum Tech One Step Closer With New Single Photon Switch

Single photon switches, which can turn physical processes on or off by using only a single packet of light, have far-reaching implications for quantum photonic technologies - and a new breakthrough makes it one step closer to realization.
Los Angeles Int'l Airport Tests Thermal Screening Cameras To Detect COVID-19

NEC Corporation Supports Kenya's Fight Against COVID-19

Japanese multinational technology company NEC Corporation announces collaboration between its African arm NEC XON, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), and nonprofit organization Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), to provide a thermography camera in Kenya and help the nation in its fight against COVID-19.
Utah Company Makes Ammo For Guns

Bacteria Could Help Synthesize Safe, Stable Copper, Study Shows

A new method of harvesting copper might be more efficient and safer than existing methods. Copper remains one of the most used metals, with applications for electrical and electronic wiring and a catalyst used in chemical processes for power plants - and a new method of harvesting copper might be more efficient and safer than existing methods.

MIT Study Counts Pedestrians to Guide Urban Planning

A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) estimates foot traffic in cities in an effort to help city planners and developers study not only vehicle movement, but the flow of people more accurately.
South American Presidential Summit For The Amazon

Mankind Has Sustainably Shaped Earth for at Least 12,000 Years

A new study shows that land use of human societies for at least 12,000 years has been environmentally sound and sustainable - arguing that the current biodiversity crisis is not simply due to human activities but the mishandling of lands previously shaped sustainably.
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