Muneeb Kazi

New Perfume That Makes You Smell Better When Sweaty

News about the new perfume developed that increases fragrance when it comes in contact with sweat. Concerned about your sweat and body odor even after apply a perfume? Well here is a solution for you.

Best Healthy Fast Food Options

Article about healthy fast food you must opt if you are in a hurry or driving. On a diet and want to shed some extra weight? Are you in a hurry and driving ? Not to worry, now you can get healthy fast food meals with fewer calories, fats and good amount of proteins and fibers.

Swine Flu Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Here's our overview of the swine flu. Technically, Swine Influenza refers to pigs, and sometimes pigs do spread the influenza virus to human beings.

iPad Mini 4 Rumors and Release Date News

Rumors regarding the Ipad Mini 4. Hardly a year has passed since the release of the iPad Mini 3 in October, and rumors have already started circulating about the iPad Mini 4.

How to Be More Attractive: Be a Nonconformist

News about the new study which states nonconformist nature attract opposite sex. According to new research from Australia, the more nonconformist you are the more you will attract people of the opposite sex.

Alaska Welcomes Endangered Wood Bison Again

News about the wood bison being again brought to Alaska. Wood bison will now once again roam in Alaska. They are the largest land mammals of North America and had previously vanished from Alaska about 100 years ago.
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