R. Siva Kumar

Polar Region Probe To Be Enhanced: UN

The World Meteorological Organization is trying to improve forecasting in the polar regions, which have been influenced by climate change.

Farming Popular Pacific Sablefish May Get More Efficient

Researchers are probing into more easy and efficient ways of farming sablefish. Researching the sablefish near Seattle, at the federal marine research station, scientists are trying to find some ways to make it easy and efficient to breed fish.

Why Oxygen Is 'Expelled' By Comets

Experts examine the abundant oxygen that is released by comets and explain the nagging mystery. One Caltech chemical engineer who tried innovative techniques to create microprocessors in computers has shown why comets expel oxygen.

New Defense Against Bacteria Found

Researchers find that we do not need to kill bacteria, but merely "gather" them, so that the body's natural resistance system can fight diseases.

Galapagos Research Locates Triggerfish As Key Predator In Food Web

Expert research shows that the triggerfish is a mid-level predator important in coastal ecosystems. Can we see predators in diverse tropical ecosystems, making an influential impact on species merely two links away? Ecologists such as Brown University Professor Jon Witman and his team find that there can be indeed such a significant "trophic cascade" when triggerfish are involved.
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