Richelle H. Concio

Scientists Found the Solution to Chronic Itch

A team of researchers has discovered a set of inhibitory neurons that serve as cellular brakes and are found in the spinal cord with the task of keeping the mechanical itch pathway “turned off” for the majority of the time.

What Took You so Long to Take Oolong?

A new study has revealed that there are lower rates of breast cancer cases in areas where oolong tea has higher rates of consumption.

Doctor Warns of Monsoon Season Virus

Monsoon season has started in several parts of the world and it brings with it several infections that prompted health providers to issue out warnings for public health.

Pinning Vitamin A against Skin Cancer

It has always been general knowledge that vitamin A plays an important role in the healthy growth and maturation of skin cells. A new study claims that higher vitamin A intake could lower the risk of skin cancer.

Depression and Anxiety? Have some Red Wine!

While many are skeptical about people claiming to forget their problems and feel "happy" as they down a glass, scientists have found out in their recent studies that there might be some truth to this.

Drug-Resistant Malaria Cases Increase in Asia

In recent studies, scientists have found out that some of the parasites that cause malaria were able to mutate, rendering the strain virtually drug-resistant.

The Truth About Sugar Substitutes and Obesity

The rising numbers of diabetes and obesity cases could be credited to "added sugars" which actually only add sweetness or flavor but only very little nutritional value.

Dengue Cases Rise in Asian Countries

During this time of the year, most Asian countries are experiencing extremely high numbers of dengue cases because of the rainy season.
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