Iowa recorded lesser cases of COVID-19, but citizens still face large issues in their physical and mental states that are induced by lifestyles shifts under the pandemic.
A new study discovered the potential cause of why the human tails disapppeared. New York University Langone Health recently conducted a study that defined the potential point when humans lost their tails.
A recent discovery shows that Mayan people rebuilt their settlements from volcanic ashes and rocks within 5 years after Central America's largest eruption, Tierra Blanca Joven.
The development of the University of Mississippi and Hapten Science on poison ivy vaccines have passed initial human testing and now under clinical trials.
A new case of the rare pneumonic plague was recently detected in Fremont County, Wyoming. The case of plague was a transmission from a cat to a pet owner.
University of Illinois developed a new approach involving zeolites to make water molecules and its fluidity as better catalyst for chemical reactions instead of harmful solvents.
A new study confirmed that the Chicxulub impact is still the most plausible culprit back in the Late Cretaceous mass extinction rather than the series of violent volcanisms.
63 African penguins were spotted lifeless at Cape Town after honey bees stung them to death. Sxity-three endangered penguins were found dead in South Africa, and the culprit behind the unfortunate event was not a disease or climate-induced conditions, but a swarm of honey bees.
A recent study developed a novel approach of detecting the rare short gravitational wave from space phenomenons such as black hole and nuetron star collapse and collissions.