Ron Jefferson

Lifelong Smokers Rarely Develop Lung Cancer, Scientists May Know Why

Nanoparticles Inhibit Tumors That Trigger the Immune System to Eliminate Cancer

Genetic Heritage of Ancient Pompeii Victims Discovered Through Genome Sequencing

Hummingbirds Taken Atop a Mountain to Analyze the Effects of Climate Change on the Species

Unknown Stretch of Bolivian Amazon Mapped Through LIDAR Laser, Shows Pre-Hispanic Social Systems and Cosmic-Inspired Settlements

SW 3 Comet: Uncertain 'Tau Herculids' Meteor Shower Expected Before May Ends

Novel Approach to Formulate SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Developed with Protein Nanoparticles

Ancient Proteins Show First Australians Eat Massive Eggs of Flightless 'Thunder Birds'

World's Smallest Remote Robot: Crab-Inspired Machine Tinier Than Flies Can Walk with Speed Half Its Body Size Per Second

About 200 Human Remains Under Same Family Unearthed from Undisturbed Bronze Age Funeral Pyre in Italy

Male Mice Afraid of Protective Mothers and Bananas, Here's Why

Magnetar Model Simulation Demonstrates How Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Originate

More Evidence Between Association of Emotion Recognition Skill and 'Happy Hormone' Dopamine Alteration Discovered

AI Tool Developed to Assess Lung Nodule Captured by CT Scans for Benign and Malignant Cancer

Drywood Termites Traveled at Least 40 Oceanic Journeys in the Last 50 Million Years According to DNA Sequencing

Smallpox Vaccines Might Work Against Monkeypox Outbreaks; 100 Million Doses Stashed by the US Available to Use

Ancient China Punishment Method Executes Perfect Dismemberment While Keeping Criminal Alive

Human Testing of Cancer-Killing Viral Drug Yielded Promising Results in Phase 1 Clinical Trials

Finding Extraterrestrial Life? Look for Binary Star Systems, Study Suggests

Pacific's Underwater 'Sharkcano' Erupts, Volcano Throwing Ash and Creatures Above the Ocean Surface

Three Threatened Loggerhead Turtles Released Safely Back into the Mediterranean After Being Entangled in Fishing Nets

Novel UV Light Treatment Breaks Down Forever Chemicals in Hours

Top 3 Ways to Lose Weight with Exercise and Stay Healthy

How Russia-Ukraine War Impacts Relation on ISS, Future Global Space Projects

Egyptian Pyramids Mystery Unveiled: What’s Inside? How Rich Were the Ancient Tombs of Pharaohs?

Prehistoric Waters from Moon's Volcanic Eruptions Still Frozen Under Lunar Surface, Research Suggests

Kayakers Recover Ancient Skull from Minnesota River That Dates Back 8,000 Years Ago

Rocket Fumes from SpaceX, Blue Origin 'Hazardous to Human Health,' Study Finds

RSV Responsible for 100,000 Global Pediatric Deaths in 2019, Study Confirms
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

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