Tiffany Winfrey

Scientists Find Isoprophyl Alcohol in Milky Way; Can You Guess Which Part It Hides?

Earth’s Outer Core Is Changing Based on Seismic Waves From Earthquakes, Study Claims

15-Year-Old Angler Boy Catches Rare 12.5-Pound All-White Catfish in Tennessee

Giant Meningitis-Causing African Snails Has Been Spotted Again in Florida; Should People Worry?

NASA Finds Twin Crater on Moon Caused by Mysterious Rocket; Who Is Responsible for It?

NASA Earth Observing System Spotted an Odd Cloud Over the Caspian Sea Through Terra Satellite

Major Astronomy Events in July 2022: Summertime Comet, Meteor Showers to Join Milky Way in Night Sky This Month

United States Space Force Delays New Experimental Satellites Launching via United Launch Alliance Atlas V Rocket From Cape Canaveral – When Is the Next Target Date?

Australian Fisheman Captures 8-Pound 'Ugliest' Fish With Bulging Green Eyes, Burn-Like Skin and Black Teeth

NASA to Share James Webb Space Telescope's First Photos Next Month; Space Agency Gives Hints on What to Expect
China Tianwen-1 With Zhurong Rover and Orbiter Shares More Stunning Photos of Mars South Pole [Look]

Norovirus Explained: NIH Research Points Out How Virus Spread in the Gastrointestinal Tract Like Wildfire

Elon Musk's SpaceX Falcon 9 Successfully Launches SES-22 Communications Satellite to Space

NASA, SpaceX Push Back International Space Station (ISS) Cargo Mission Yet Again; See New Launch Date

Google to Share Carbon Footprint Left by Workspace Apps Through This Calculator

SpaceX Super Heavy Starship Rolls Out of Texas’ Orbital Launch Pad ‘Mechazilla’ Ahead Of Test Launch

Giant 20-Foot Great White Shark That Bit a Swimmer in California Could Be One of the Largest in the World [Report]

Increasing Sports Resources Does Not Increase Residents' Physical Activity and Won’t Solve All Public Health Challenges, University of Eastern Finland Says

Elephant Mother Saves Baby Calf Drowning in Indian River; Here's Why These Creatures Are Best Moms

Space Tourism and Rocket Launches May Affect Ozone Layer, Earth’s Climate [Study]

Exoplanet Planetary Habitability: Distant Super-Earth Has Hydrogen-Rich Atmosphere and May Host Extraterrestrial Life

NASA Stops Moon Dust, Cockroach Corpses Auction, Demands Auctioneer to Return Lunar Samples

New Microbiology Research Provides Evidence Virus Plays a Role in Evolution of Asgard Archaeans

11-Foot Alligator Euthanized After It Viciously Attacked, Murdered a Private Golf Community Member in South Carolina

NASA Launches Australia’s First Ever Space Commercial Rocket That Studies Star’s Influence To Planet’s Habitability

Starfishes Devour a Dead Sea Lion in a Devastating Photo That Won Aquatic Life Category in Big Picture Competition [LOOK]

Potentially Hazardous Giant Asteroid Bigger Than London Eye to Whiz Past Earth Monday

Fast Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth After a Massive Sunspot That Doubled in Size Was Spotted Last Week

Nebula NGC 2392 Seems to Send a Creepy Message as Its Sonification Goes Viral; Can You Depict It?
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists