Tiffany Winfrey

NASA’s Artemis 1 Rocket Door Blows After Damaging Launch Pad

ESA Aims To Harvest Solar Energy From Space 24/7 Through Solaris

Melting Glaciers May Contain Dangerous Bacteria Into Rivers, Lakes [Study]

Saudi Arabia Will Someday Build a Giant Turtle City Worth $8 Billion: Is It as Large as Pangaea?

Chinese Hypersonic Jets Can Fly Through Kerosene: Will It Travel Faster Than the Speed of Light?

Winchcombe Meteorite Says Earth's Water Probably Came From Outer Space [Study]

Growing Drinking Water Crisis Threatens United States: Will An Iceberg Fix This Issue?

Scientists Make ‘Butterfly Bot' That Swims at Fast Speeds Like Manta Ray

NASA Wants to Bring People to Moon Through Artemis Mission This Decade

YouTube ‘Copies’ Netflix Intro Sound; What Is The Psychology Behind This, Google?

Winchcombe Meteorite: This Asteroid May Solve Mystery Of Earth’s Water

1200-Year-Old Viking Swords Found Buried Upright To Prevent Dead From Rising

Ultrathin Ribbons Can Now Help Produce Solar Power Energy!

Is Floating Poop a Sign of Cancer? Scientists Reveal 3 Odd Symptoms of This Disease!

Hill of the Pharaohs Unveiled: Archaeologists Find Ancient Temple in Egypt

Bat Habitat, Behavior Spark Hendra Virus Risk [Study]

Inexpensive Robots Can Now Face Any Obstacles! [Look]

Medicine in Space: Can Low-Gravity Environment Speed Up Drug Development?

NASA Artemis 1 Shares Stunning Photo of Earth, Moon [LOOK]

Nanotechnology Can Now Help Cancer Patients Cure Sickness By Sending 'Eat Me' Signals!

Case of 'Missing' Planets Solved: Is Planetary Migration The Culprit?

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Finds Exploding Supernova; Scientists Explain Cooldown

Robots, Artificial Intelligence Not Yet Taking Over Humans For Work

Largest Ice Sheet in Greenland Is Melting Faster Due to Climate Change! Should We Worry?

This Unmanned Submarine For US Military Can Lurk Underwater For Days With 110-Hour Battery Life

NASA’s Artemis 1 Moon Rocket Lifespan Ticking as Boosters May Expire in December

Israeli Archaeologists Find One of the Oldest Written Sentences on a 3,700-Year-Old Comb; Can You Guess What It Is?

Weird Tuna Caught Off Australia Explained; What Is Cookie Cutter Shark?

Mexican Archaeologists Rebury Aztec’s Flood-Control System; Here’s Why
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists