TECH & INNOVATIONStarCrete is a combination of extraterrestrial dust, potato starch, and salt and is twice as strong as the concrete here on Earth. Check out how this could be used in future Moon and Mars missions.
NASA closely monitors the asteroids that may pose a threat to Earth and ranks them on how hazardous they could be. Check out which of them would most likely hit Earth in the coming centuries.
Astronomers identified a strange black hole from a galaxy 1 billion light-years away from Earth that is shooting a scorching jet at another galaxy. Check it out in this article to learn more.
Pentagon and Harvard University scientists said these unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) defy physics as they lack tell-tale signs of friction. Tap the article to learn more about this story.
Collisions between moons and their host planets may pose a constant threat to potential extraterrestrial life, as shown in simulations. Read the article to learn more about it.
Asteroid 2023 EY was just recently discovered and is expected to be at its closest to Earth, just 62% of the distance between the Moon and the planet. Read the article to learn more.
The "terminator zone" is a ring on exoplanets that have one side always facing its star and one side that is always dark. Check out how extraterrestrial life could potentially exist on this site.
Using NASA's NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists found two pairs of supermassive black holes on the verge of colliding for the first time. Read the article to learn more details.
Asteroid 2023 DW had a one-in-600 chance of destroying an entire city on Valentine's Day in 2046, but it is now predicted to fly by Earth without colliding with the planet. Read the article to learn more details.