China's Mars Rover found new evidence suggesting that the water on the Red Planet was present more recently than what was previously believed. Read on to know the details.
The Event Horizon Telescope spotted the first black hole in Milky Way proving Albert Einstein was right again. Read on how Sagittarius A* supports the theory of general relativity.
An international team of researchers recently used AI techniques and a powerful supercomputer to uncover the origin of Carbon-12. Find out more about it here.
The UK is the latest country to try to build a space-based solar power plant in a bid to revolutionize energy and reduce carbon emissions. Read on to learn more details.
Wealthier countries are carving up space and are exploiting their resources while leaving other nations behind to boost economic growth. Read this article to know why and how they do it.
Listen to this soothing soundtrack that NASA researchers have converted Sonification from a black hole. Read on to know how they recorded the sound from space.
NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a video of the sun releasing a huge solar flare Tuesday with the sunspot directing toward the Earth. Read on to know the details.
A magnetic reversal from a galaxy 236 million light-years away may have caused a magnetic flip to the field surrounding a black hole. Read on to learn more details on this "strange explosive episode."
A super flower blood moon lunar eclipse will grace the sky this weekend. Read on to know what to expect from the upcoming May 2022 lunar eclipse on Sunday.
NASA captured stunning footage of a powerful solar flare that just erupted from the surface of the sun. Continue reading to know how it affected the Earth.