The Greek god Cronos had a horrifying reputation for eating his own children. In the same way, researchers found that some Sun-like stars gobble up their planets.
A discovery by the Hubble Space Telescope shows the image from a rare Herbig-Haro object charted at the great constellation of Orion. The phenomenon was dubbed a 'blue sword' piercing through a 'celestial heart.'
Landsat Next Instrument Study – Constellation Satellite Concept and Landsat Next Instrument Study – Single Satellite Concept were chosen by NASA for two Landsat Next architecture studies.
An analysis of star factories or galaxies that produce stars showed that they emit dirtier gas than the gas coming in during production. Accretion and outflow rates dictate the mass and growth of galaxies.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope accidentally discovered a system is called 2M1310–1714 when an astronomer was checking images of a quarter of a million galaxies.
Scientists recreated the conditions of the atmosphere in Titan using tiny glass cylinders on Earth, revealing the fundamental properties of two organic molecules that exist as a mineral in Saturn's largest moon.
Kepler showed groundbreaking data, a supernova that blasted. This took place after the space telescope got retired when it ran out of fuel after nine years of operation.
Binar-1 is Western Australia’s first locally-developed satellite to be sent to the ISS onboard a SpaceX rocket. This marked a significant step ahead for space technology.
The Fisher Space Pen was created in the late1960s and has been used by NASA astronauts and others on Earth. It works underwater, in zero gravity, and in severe temperatures.
Scientists from Nagoya University measured the protons and electrons from cosmic rays in a supernova remnant in a bid to find where the highest-energy particles in the universe come from.