SPACENASA is looking for healthy people to join a yearlong mission in “Mars surface simulations." NASA is already taking applications for those who want to live on Mars.
As different countries celebrate their respective wins in the Tokyo Olympics, the International Space Station has its own version of the Olympics for its astronauts and cosmonauts, too.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has recently released new images of a spiral galaxy that allows astronomers to better understand how stars manifest from clouds of dust and cold gas.
Hoping for the chance to gather clues to a protoplanet in the Solar System, the largest asteroid on the asteroid belt was finally captured in high-resolution imaging using NASA's ALMA Telescope.
NASA is sending a mission to study the 16 Psyche asteroid that will arrive in 2026. Scientists believe that it is packed full of precious metals that could be worth $10,000 quadrillion
National Institute of Standards and Technology physicists have developed a new small crystal that can detect the weak frequencies of dark matter as it interacts with normal matter, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.
In newly released images, X-ray rings were emitted by a black hole eruption in the northern Cygnus constellation, revealing how invisible space dust surrounds the celestial object.
New research on space weather and solar oscillations produced a model that could predict solar activities and possibly answer the 'Convective Conundrum.'
Starlink, SpaceX's internet connection service, promises high speed and low latency connection to all its users in the US and around the world. The company is ramping up its rollout to increase its area of coverage.
NASA scientists want to attain and investigate chunks of rocks that bubble up from the deeper lunar surface. A new study provides a better insight into such unusual geological activity.
NASA astronomers may have found a young version of the Solar System's Sun in a nearby star. It has the same mass, radius, and temperature when the Sun was only 600 to 700 million years old.