SPACEThe launch of 60 more Starlink satellites Wednesday could give SpaceX enough spacecraft to complete the first layer of its privately-funded global internet network.
An expert claims that the Super Blood Moon might bring out the "crazy" in people and cause relationship breakups. So thinking before speaking is advised to avoid any negative consequences to their actions.
Elon Musk wants to send humans this decade, saying that a crewed mission could take place in 2026. Here are the risks that scientists will have to manage.
NASA will launch at least five satellites worth at least $300 million in Earth System Observatory by 2029 to help people better understand climate change and extreme weather .
The US Air Force is planning to harvest space solar power from its unlimited source, the Sun. This is in response to the ever-increasing energy demands of humans.
Warp drives are a common trope in sci-fi movies, but engineers propose that there are several classes of warp drives that humans can try to achieve if we ever hope to travel from one star to the next.
Full moons have always been an attractive enchanting site, but tomorrow, everyone can anticipate a particularly special night sky through the occurrence of the blood supermoon.
Reports linking AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine to an extremely rare form of blood clot has spotlighted the symptoms of blood clots. What should you be looking out for?
When the first baby is born off-Earth, it will be a milestone as momentous as humanity’s first steps out of Africa. Such a birth would start the multi-planet civilization for the human species.