SPACENASA’s Mars Perseverance rover aims for exact landing to search for ancient life. The success depends on everything going on, including the fractions of a second.
ESA is on the hunt for more female astronauts for the first time in more than 10 years. The agency also now has a parastronaut project for aspiring astronauts with physical disabilities.
Dinosaurs were long thought to have gone extinct by a large asteroid slamming against the surface of the earth 66 million years ago. However, a new theory suggests it wasn't quite an asteroid.
Scientists marked the 91st anniversary of the discovery of Pluto this week. The IAU took away Pluto's planetary status in 2006. This dwarf planet continues to spur vigorous debate.
Astronauts on the ISS are testing an antimicrobial surface coating that can kill bacteria and coronavirus developed by researchers from Boeing and the University of Queensland.
Fragments of planets with crusts akin to Earth have recently been discovered in the atmospheres of four white dwarf stars nearby by astronomers at the University of Warwick.