SPACENASA's InSight "mole" mission has come to an end. The historic heat probe instrument landed in Mars over 2 years ago. But NASA has called an end to the mission due the harsh innards on the surface of Mars making the spacecraft stuck and difficult to go forward.
White dwarfs, not our typical kind of star, use an effect identified as "quantum degeneracy." The Quantum nature of electrons means that no two electrons can have a similar quantum state.
Ganydene, the largest moon in the solar system, is the only one that has its own magnetic field, and the most differentiated of all of its kind, and it possibly possess "a subsurface ocean of liquid water."
The Perseverance rover, the core of the $2.7-billion Mars 2020 mission of NASA, is slated to land on February 18, kicking off a new Red Planet exploration era.
European Space Agency's ASIM device saw a blue jet from a cloud above the Pacific island of Nauru. It reached into the stratosphere with ring-like 'elves.'
SpaceX presented the company's first 2021 mission as it successfully blasted off after it lifted its 17th batch of Starlink satellites into lower-Earth orbit" via Falcon 9 rocket, making a record-breaking landing.
In 2020, NASA trained an AI that will help them find fresh craters on Mars. In late last year, NASA announced that it would train artificial intelligence (AI) to help find fresh craters on Mars.
NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station are currently planning a spacewalk to install a high-speed satellite link that will help enhance their connections with Europe.
NASA's Supernova picture generated more than 20,246 likes on Instagram. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shared a stunning photograph of a supernova recorded by the Chandra X-ray Observatory telescope.