SPACENot yet, at least. If you're an Area 51 junkie or a conspiracy connoisseur, then you're probably going to be disappointed when I tell you NASA isn't planning on dropping any extraterrestrial life news anytime soon.
Could life exist on an Eyeball Earth? There's been a lot of hype about alien life lately, from the ridiculous viral video posted by the hacking group Anonymous to astronomer Chris Impey's wild predictions.
Earth could get hit by an asteroid any time, experts warn ahead of Asteroid Day. Nobody could predict what will happen to Earth but change is inevitable and the people must be prepared for it.
Using the ALMA, two teams of astronomers were able to discover the biological basis of life in a group of sun-like stars. The astronomers believed that the group of stars may soon reveal how life existed on Earth.
The prospect of 1000 feet wide asteroid colliding with earth is not a pretty picture with the aftermath that will ensue. Scientists discovered the formation of asteroids that will possibly hit earth and hopes scientists will give attention to this impending danger.
A new exoplanet KELT-9b and its star, the KELT-9 was found to be hotter than most stars. The planet is said to be vaporized by its 300-million young blue star.
After 40 years, the mystery of radio signal from outer space, which was first received in radio telescope at the Ohio State University in 1977 is now solved.