SPACEA truly innovative new idea could one day allow us to attach small robotic probes to hand gliders and land them in potentially intricate and difficult to reach locations on the surface of Mars.
Does the Earth need a flag? Right now, maybe not, at least not until we have actually land on another planet such as Mars or meet an alien civilization for the first time. But that doesn’t mean that designing one is pointless, and a new project has proven exactly that.
Traveling to Mars and beyond will be one of the top subjects that are discussed at a five-day international space development conference held in Toronto this week.
NASA and the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, known as America Makes, are hoping that additive construction innovators will design a deep space exploration habitat and then fabricate it in a new competition worth US $1.1 million for each of two winners. Phase One registration opened at the Bay Area Maker Faire on Saturday, and the second stage begins September 27.
Fans of shoot-em-up sci fi everywhere will be thrilled with the latest proposal for freeing the International Space Station (ISS) from the need to repeatedly alter its trajectory to avoid crashing into space junk. Researchers from the Riken Computational Astrophysics Laboratory of Japan want to use a laser system to zap dangerous space debris on a collision course with the ISS.
While much attention has been paid to Martian exploration in recent years, there remains a dedicated cadre of scientists focused on Earth's twin, Venus. And in a recent press release from Northrup Grumman, plans for a new vehicle were unveiled that just might provide a bird's eye view of this hot and hostile planet.
The problems for Russia's space agency seem to continue. The Russian Space Agency said that after a failed first attempt to start the engines of the Progress spacecraft on the International Space Station, they managed to get them started on the second attempt to correct the orbit of the ISS.
SpaceX continues to push the envelope on its march to sending manned missions into space. In the coming months, SpaceX will continue its high visibility tests of the Dragon spaceship in an effort to one day send human into space.
Humans have always fantasized about "little green men" on Mars, and now scientists have created a new way to search for traces of alien life on the Red Planet.
Disney Junior approached both Google and NASA last year for a new series about a space adventure boy and his smart sister who codes in a spaceship piloted by their mother, everyone was ready to bury those stereotypes once and for all.
It's official. NASA has formally certified SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket to launch all but the agency's most costly robotic science missions. The first mission for SpaceX will be the launch of a United States and France oceanography satellite that is scheduled for liftoff from California in July.
Students and scientists continue to pack increasingly innovative missions into tiny satellites known as CubeSats, but getting them to space proves both difficult and expensive. A NASA program based at Kennedy Space Center hopes to help introduce a new class of rockets designed specifically for very small satellites, or even bunches of them.
If only the world were as unified as the field of particle physics, what a grand world it would be...Over 5,000 of them have come together in what is the largest scientific collaboration on record. Their paper, which was published on May 14th in Physical Review Letters, is a joint effort between members from ATLAS and CMS, two teams that operate detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of our universe.
Imagine winning the Powerball jackpot-more than once. You may have a sense of how a team of astronomers feels after their discovery of a set of four quasars at the visible universe's edge. These brilliant beacons of light are typically spread far apart, but this quartet exists shoved together in only 650,000 light-years of space-equivalent to around a quarter of the distance between our closest big neighbor galaxy Andromeda and the Milky Way.
It seems Russia is experiencing even more trouble with their space program vehicles. A Russian rocket carrying a Mexican satellite has malfunctioned causing it to burn up in the atmosphere over Siberia not long after launch, Russia's space agency said.