SPACEUsing an unconventional research method, scientists are seeking to learn more about about Mars by flying a kite here on Earth. The method allows researchers to get a new look at geological features here at home that learn what they could reveal with the hopes of being able to identity similarities with what they see when examining the surface of Mars and potentially other planets and moons as well.
Simon Singh, the creator of The Simpsons says that they were able to predict the mass of the Higgs boson almost 14 years before the scientists even discovered the particle.
While there might be limits to the amount of solar power we can collect here on Earth, scientists have long been studying the notion of harnessing solar power from the endless supply that can be found in space. Now, what was once just a notion in the mind of researchers has taken a huge step towards becoming a reality.
all about HAARP The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is an ionosphere research program that is funded by University of Alaska, US Navy and US Airforce.
Preliminary results from China's first lunar rover, Yutu, has suggested that the moon's geological history is much more complex than previously thought.
A short circuit in the arm of the Curiosity rover halted its work on February 27. Since that time the rover team has worked hard to discover the source of this short in the hopes of repairing it and getting Curiosity back to work. Now, mission controllers have traced the short circuit to the drill on its robotic arm.
News on the ocean found on Ganymede. Ganymede, the biggest moon of Jupiter and also the biggest in our solar system, is found to harbor a salt water ocean beneath its icy surface.
Rocks with new compositions like never before were found near Marathon Valley The clay minerals found by the observing spectrometer on a spot in Mars called Marathon Valley prompted the dispatch of Rover Opportunity by the Rover team to the location to conduct a survey.
a discovery that is set to challenge the Big Bang theory Human interest is piqued by those things which are inaccessible to us. Black holes may then be on top of that list.
New on the new research that found hot water springs on the sixth largest moon of saturn New research coming out has revealed that there are hot springs below the icy surface of Enceladus, Saturn's sixth largest moon.
There is nothing like coming home after a long day at work or even after a nice long trip. What this means for most of us is a car ride or plane trip home. While these journeys may seem long and sometimes even tedious, it is nothing compared to the return home of an astronaut from space.
If life can exist in these types of conditions here on Earth, the possibility that it also exists elsewhere in our solar system increases dramatically. For instance, what could lie beneath the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa or perhaps Saturn's moon Enceladus?
The Milky Way Galaxy is huge with our small solar system acting as just a grain of sand of the giant beach that is the galaxy. NASA previously estimated that the galaxy spans approximately 100,000 light years across. With each light year representing about 6 trillion miles, we are talking about an almost unimaginable distance. If you think that's large, new research now suggests that the Milky Way could be 50,000 light years larger than previously thought.
NASA has organized a new three-day event that will allow participants to develop mobile applications, software, hardware, data visualization and platform solutions that could contribute to the space exploration missions and improve life on Earth.
New uniique things discovered on Uranus The first to the sixth planet of the solar system were known by ancient cultures as wandering stars. Uranus, which was discovered by John Flamsteed in 1690, is the first unknown planet to the ancients that was discovered by modern astronomers.