Tags: AI

cancer cells

Scientists From China Develop AI-Based Cancer Diagnostic Tool

Detection of cancer and metastasis is now made easier using a breakthrough AI-assisted cancer diagnostic tool developed by Chinese scientists. It provides a faster and more accurate approach in detecting lymph nodes affected by cancer compared to traditional methods such as the MRI.
DNA and Rare Genetic Diseases

Decrease in Rare Genetic Diseases Possible With A.I. Assistance

The fight against rare genetic diseases wins with AI Faulty genes result in a rare disease. With more than 400 million people worldwide who suffer from a rare disease and the delay in the diagnosis, an estimated 30% of children afflicted with a rare disease cannot reach five years.

How Instagram Uses Artificial Intelligence in 2019

This article will talk about how Instagram will use Artificial Intelligence in 2019. At this very second, Instagram already has millions of users. Plus, it is already owned by Facebook.

Researchers Create New AI Tool for Detecting Unfair Discrimination

The researchers created an AI tool for detecting discrimination concerning a protected attribute such as gender or race by human decision makers or AI systems that are based on the concept of causality in which one thing, a cause, causes another thing, an effect

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