TECH & INNOVATIONCould we really be living in a computer simulation? A new study found that there's a 50-50 chance that the world as we know it is not real.
An AI department is not exclusive to tech giants. Various industries also use them. Check out these companies that surprisingly have their own AI departments.
Detection of cancer and metastasis is now made easier using a breakthrough AI-assisted cancer diagnostic tool developed by Chinese scientists. It provides a faster and more accurate approach in detecting lymph nodes affected by cancer compared to traditional methods such as the MRI.
Hospitalization is tough, particularly for young children. During the coronavirus pandemic, when physical contact is limited, specialists hope that Robin, the AI robot can help the children cope better emotionally.
During the lockdown, scientists reprogrammed a robot to conduct experiments 'a thousand times faster' while they worked at home to find solutions for coronavirus. This one robot may determine the future of science, AI, and technology.
MIT-trained AI explained that coronavirus cases will start to level off in the US and Italy in the next week but experts warn that relaxing social distancing could cause a massive resurgence in COVID-19 cases.
Element AI recently launched a source of more than 40,000 articles from scholarly journals containing COVID-19 and other related infectious diseases for research materials that are potentially useful to researchers.
AI researchers have discovered how to determine brand-new antibiotic types by training a neural network to predict which molecules will have properties that are bacteria-killing.
AI is changing at a fast rate, and it should be given some thought if all artificial intelligence develops, then what are the limits to be applied. This question is taken seriously, should AI learn to read human emotions better than ourselves.
Artificial Intelligence has been forming the foundation for the development of robots and modern machines. But, do we really know what it is or what it does?
The fight against rare genetic diseases wins with AI Faulty genes result in a rare disease. With more than 400 million people worldwide who suffer from a rare disease and the delay in the diagnosis, an estimated 30% of children afflicted with a rare disease cannot reach five years.
This article will talk about how Instagram will use Artificial Intelligence in 2019. At this very second, Instagram already has millions of users. Plus, it is already owned by Facebook.
The researchers created an AI tool for detecting discrimination concerning a protected attribute such as gender or race by human decision makers or AI systems that are based on the concept of causality in which one thing, a cause, causes another thing, an effect