MEDICINE & HEALTHA new scanning system was developed to easily conduct imaging of the brain. This super-resolution technique can be a solution to detect early signs and treatments of neurological disease including Alzheimer's.
Experts started focusing on what might be occurring in the brain, other than aging and unfortunate genes, which could answer why women have higher rates of diseases, specifically anxiety disorder and Alzheimer's disease.
A study published shows that there is a clear link between a specific bacteria in the human gut microbiome, antibiotic resistance, and neurodegenerative diseases that affect millions of people around the globe.
Researchers at the University of California - San Diego have successfully tested using mouse models a potential gene therapy for Alzheimer's Disease that preserves memory and learning abilities.
A new study suggests those who have six hours or less of sleep every night are more likely to develop a condition - specifically dementia in their late 70s.
A new study recently identified bacteria as the link between regular brushing teeth and dementia. It said, regularly brushing teeth just turned out to be a more terrible situation.
Dementia is a common neurodegenerative disorder that occurs in older people. It affects the memory, and over time the person can no longer function properly. But can people die from dementia?
Experts looked at risk factors, including noise from roads, railways, aircraft, industry, and construction work. The noise increase led to higher odds of mild cognitive impairment.
Up to date, there has not been effective treatment for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. With researchers discovering how fructose metabilsm affects neuronal function, it may help develop preventive measures of risk factors such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.
After receiving a grant of $1.5 million from US philanthropists, including Bill Gates, neurologists from Imperial College London and UK Dementia Research Institute will be testing their new technology in which they will fire electric currents deep in the brain of those with Alzheimer's disease to try to cure dementia.
A blood test to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease moved closer to reality this week after new findings were announced at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on July 29, 2020. The test showed extremely high accuracy—around 90%—for detecting chemicals in the blood that are specific for Alzheimer’s.
American and Swedish experts have discovered a specific protein in the blood that can indicate an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia. The blood test can potentially indicate the risk of developing the disease years before symptoms occur.
A recent study finds that elderly people living alone are 30% more likely to develop dementia. Experts believe that living alone is associated with increased stress, feelings of loneliness, and lack of cognitive stimulation, which might have contributed to the increasing number of cases.
While observing brain cells affected by Alzheimer's disease, researchers discover a suppressor gene and develop a new rapid drug-screening system for treatment.
Scientists have directly linked non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with 'neuroinflammatory complications,' which eventually develop into Alzheimer's Disease.
Women who spent long years hitting the books and attending school are less likely to develop memory loss and dementia, researchers of a new study claim. Furthermore, the authors say that Alzheimer's disease might not be in the books for these women with the help of their previous education. Click the link above to learn more.